Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite
Contact: Stephanie Cox (Principal Democratic Services Officer)
No. | Item |
Chair's Introduction & Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Chair’s Introduction
Prior to the consideration of the matters set out in the agenda, the Chair outlined their expectations of the standard of conduct and behaviour to be shown at the meeting.
(b) Adjourned meeting – 14 February 2024
The meeting was reconvened from the 14 February 2024. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(a) Councillors D Nelson (Cabinet Member) – Minute 61 and 62 – wife employed at Southend Hospital.
(b) Councillor J Harland – (all items) – son employed at Southend Hospital and a trustee of St Edmunds Community Association.
(c) Councillor N Folkard – (all items) – relative works for Broomfield Hospital and part of the fundraising team for Southend Hospital |
Dementia Community Support Service Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of Executive Director of Adults and Communities, by way of pre-Cabinet Scrutiny, which proposed to end the Dementia Community Support Services (DCSS) by the end of March 2024.
The People Scrutiny Committee expressed a number of concerns but ultimately supported the recommended ‘Option 1’ subject to the amendment of paragraph 5.2 within the original report published as part of the People Scrutiny agenda pack on 14 February 2024, which was subsequently adjourned to 27 February 2024.
The amendment was to increase the proposed number of dementia care navigator posts from two to four full-time equivalent posts and the inclusion of one part-time community builder as part of the new prevention and enablement service in Adult Social Care.
The amendment was proposed by Councillor C Nevin, seconded by Councillor D Richardson and agreed unanimously. For clarity the recommended ‘Option 1’ has been updated and forms the proposed recommendations to Cabinet as set out below.
A typographical error was noted that the report incorrectly refers to Castle Point as ‘Castlepoint’ and that this should be updated in future.
For ease of reference an addendum was produced to incorporate comments and changes which was considered at the meeting of Cabinet on 4 March 2024.
It is recommended that Cabinet:
1. Confirm the closure of the DCSS in its current format and restructure adult social care services to include a prevention and enablement service to ensure that continuous appropriate and accessible information and advice is available.
2. In response to the public consultation and views expressed, to develop four new full-time equivalent posts (dementia community navigators) and one part-time community builder as part of the new prevention and enablement service in Adult Social Care.
3. Agree to develop 4 locality-based support groups for people with dementia and their informal carers. This would make accessing a club local to them easier for residents across the city.
4. Enable additional investment to relevant carer organisations to be able to attend the proposed locality groups more regularly to support carers.
5. That the new community navigator roles, locality groups and additional support for carers be funded via the investment of £100,000 from the additional social care grant recently announced by Government.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of Executive Director of Adults and Communities, by way of pre-Cabinet Scrutiny, which proposed changes to the charging arrangements of the telecare monitoring service.
The People Scrutiny Committee expressed a need for greater clarity on the weekly cost for the full service and requested that this be clarified at the meeting of Cabinet.
Following on from the comments
and concerns raised, Councillor T Cowdrey proposed a recommendation
which was seconded by Councillor M O’Connor and subsequently
unanimously agreed. People Scrutiny Committee recommended that Cabinet:
In relation to 5.3 of the original report:
1. Clarify and outline the range of services available, including the minimum and maximum charges that could be applied to both existing and new users. 2. Clarify the assistance assessment criteria for financial assistance for existing users and new users of the service.
For ease of reference 5.3 of the original report is summarised below:
‘Consultation responses have indicated that the majority of existing customers feel they would continue to use this service if charges are imposed. However, we are aware that there are some customers who have affordability concerns. A financial assessment will be offered, and they will only contribute to the cost of their care in line with what they are assessed as being able to afford.’
A report was produced as an addendum to item 10 ‘Telecare Charging Consultation’ of the published Cabinet agenda pack of 4March 2024 to provide further clarity following pre-cabinet scrutiny undertaken by the People Scrutiny Committee at its meeting held on 27February 2024.
It is recommended that Cabinet: 1. Notes the outcome of the public consultation on the proposed changes to the Authority’s recommendation for the introduction of a contributory charge; and
2. Agrees to implement the recommended changes to the charging arrangements for the Telecare Monitoring Service.
3. Following the cabinet meeting the results of the consultation will be published on the website and those affected by the charge will be notified by letter. |
Future of Family Centres - Outcome of Consultation and Recommendations Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the report of the Executive Director of Children and Public Health, by way of pre-Cabinet Scrutiny. The Committee considered the results of the public consultation and provided comments and feedback on the presented options.
The People Scrutiny Committee discussed the outcome of the consultation and proposals and raised a number of questions specifically regarding timetabling of activities and locations of family centres.
Following the discussion the People Scrutiny Committee agreed with the original recommendations set out in the report subject to the following amendments:
· To reference that the timetable presented is a sample of what activities could be offered for each of the sites. · Noted an error in the report when referencing paragraphs 3.12 to 3.19; these should have read paragraphs 3.11 to 3.17, updated recommendations below. (in relation to 2.3)
A report was produced as an addendum to item 9 ‘Future of Family Centres – Outcome of Consultation and Recommendations’ of the published Cabinet agenda pack of 4 March 2024 to provide further clarity following pre-cabinet scrutiny undertaken by the People Scrutiny Committee held on 27 February 2024. Resolved: It is recommended that Cabinet: 1. Note the outcome of the public consultation which also engaged with delivery partners and local agencies, attached as Appendix 1.
2. Approve the proposed new Family Centre model described (a sample of what activities could be offered for each of the eight sites is presented in appendix Z6 of the main report attached as Appendix 1) in this report in sub-sections 3.11 to 3.17 and with more details in Appendix 1.
3. Note that if Cabinet approves recommendation 2.2 and the proposed new Family Centre offer, it will deliver an efficiency of £350,000 against the Family Centre budget.