Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were receivd from Councillor Cowdrey (substitute: Councillor Dent), Councillor K Evans (no substitute) and Councillor Thompson (no substitute). |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(i) Councillor Line – Minute No 233 (Consultation on The Council's Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy) – Non-pecuniary interest: Personal licence holder and has worked in a Casino;
(ii) Councillor Harp – Minute No. 233 (Consultation on The Council's Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy) – Non-pecuniary interest: Has associations with SAVS which was mentioned in the report; and
(iii) Councillor Lamb – Minute No. 233 (Consultation on The Council's Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy) – Non-pecuniary interest: Trustee of SAVS which was mentioned in the report. |
Consultation on The Council's Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy Report of Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) attached Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and the Environment) that provided information on the latest position of the formal consultation process in respect of the Gambling Licensing Policy. The report also sought the Committee’s comments on the proposed revisions to the Policy, a copy of which was attached to the submitted report.
The Committee was informed that there were a couple of typographical errors in the report. These related to the dates in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.3 and were as follows:
• The date in line four of paragraph 3.1 should be 30th January 2022 not 2021; • The date in line five of paragraph 3.1 should be 3rd January 2022 not 2019; and • The date in the first line of paragraph 3.3 should be 23rd July 2021 not 2018.
The Committee noted that the changes to the statement of policy document (in comparison to the existing one) included some general updates and the following matters: -
(i) the strengthening of the protection expected to be afforded to persons who do not use English as their first language (section 14.20); (ii) amendments to the wording of sections 21.5 and 21.6 reflecting the Government reduction of the maximum stake for B2 machines. In 2019 the Government announced that the maximum stake of these machines would be reduced from £100 to £2; (iii) the addition of the expectation that a plan will be provided by applicants for Gaming Machine permits in alcohol licensed premises (section 26.4). This will assist the Licensing Authority in determining such applications as it will highlight the proposed location of machines and allow an assessment by the Authority in respect of the protection of children and vulnerable adults; and (iv) the expansion of the list of consultees list in annex A.
Whilst noting the proposed revisions, the Committee felt that the wording of the first two bullet points under section 26.4 of the revised policy should be amalgamated and reworded to enable those premises unable to position the machines in sight of the bar an acceptable alternative.
Resolved:- That the Cabinet be recommended that the Revised Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy, as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be adopted subject to the following amendment:
• The first two bullet points under section 26.4 be amalgamated and reworded as follows:
“Adult machines being in sight of the bar or in sight of staff who will monitor that the machines are not being used by those under 18;”