Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Lamb declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Agenda Item No. 5 (Temporary Increase to Taxi Fares) on the basis that he was on the board of trustees of SAVS, which was mentioned in the debate. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 16th August, 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 16th August 2021 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
Age of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licence Conditions Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) which sought approval to the temporary, one year amendment of the licensing conditions relating to the age of Hackney Carriages (HC) Private Hire Vehicles (PHV) at the stage of first licensing (from the date of amendment), whereby the 5-year age limit (6-year age limit for wheelchair accessible vehicles) is disapplied, and, to permanently require the application of compliance with Euro 6 emission standards that reduces harmful emissions from vehicles within the conditions.
The intention of these changes is to increase the number of vehicles available to the public by enabling more vehicles to be licensable, and to protect air quality and assist to the climate change agenda.
1. That the amended age-related conditions as set out below be approved for a 1-year period from the date of this decision, after which time the conditions will automatically revert to their former wording, or until adoption of any new conditions relating to vehicles are introduced, whichever is the sooner:
Proposed Conditions for Hackney Carriages 2.1.1(a) Where a vehicle is more than 5 years old when first licenced (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles 6 years), the vehicle must be Euro 6 emission rating (petrol or diesel vehicles) or capable of achieving zero emissions (hybrid or electric vehicles). All vehicles should not be more than 10-years old when subsequently licenced (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles 20 years). The 10-year maximum is based on the condition of the vehicle which is considered at 8 years and can be extended by 6-month intervals to a maximum of 10 years. Any limousine or specially approved vehicle shall have no specific age limit and will be reviewed annually.
Proposed Conditions for Private Hire Vehicles 1.1.2 Where a vehicle is more than 5 years old when first licenced (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles 6 years), the vehicle must be Euro 6 emission rating (petrol or diesel vehicles) or capable of achieving zero emissions (hybrid or electric vehicles). All vehicles should not be more than 10-years old when subsequently licenced (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles 20 years). The 10-year maximum is based on the condition of the vehicle which is considered at 8 years and can be extended by 6-month intervals to a maximum of 10 years. Any limousine or specially approved vehicle shall have no specific age limit and will be reviewed annually.
2. That the additional requirement relating to emission standards as set out in the amended conditions be permanently adopted. |
Temporary Increase to Taxi Fares Report to follow Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that sought approval of the temporary amendment of the fare structure of Hackney Carriages (HC) Private Hire Vehicles (PHV) for a period of one year (from the date of amendment) after which it will be reviewed, or until the review of all licensing conditions is completed, in response the current fuel price emergency.
It was noted that the intention of these changes was to maintain the number of vehicles available to the public by ensuring drivers vehicles are financially viable.
In response to questions regarding the consultation process, the Council’s Regulatory Services Manager confirmed that in addition to the statutory requirement to place a public notice in the local paper, a copy of the notice would be placed on the notice board in the reception area of the Civic Centre and placed on the Council’s website. He also undertook to inform SAVS (Southend Association of Voluntary Services) and the Citizens Advice Bureau of the outcome of the consultation.
1. That the fare structure of Hackney Carriages (HC) Private Hire Vehicles (PHV) be temporarily amended to allow a temporary additional fare of 40p per trip.
2. That the revised fare chart set out at Appendix 1 be approved.
3. That any changes to the fare and extra charges’ structure be duly advertised, implementing the public consultation process. Any appeals will be heard by the Licensing Committee. In the eventuality that no objections are received, the amendment be deemed as approved without the need to return to the Committee for consideration. To avoid the requirement not to consult during the local election purdah period, the consultation will commence on 6th May 2022 or later. |