Meeting documents

People Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 26th November, 2013 6.30 pm

Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
536 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Morgan (substitute Cllr Assenheim) and Vincent Copeland and Angelina Clarke (co-opted members).
537 Declarations of interest.
The following interests were declared at the meeting:

(a) Councillors Courtenay and Salter - interest in the pre-Cabinet scrutiny/referred/called-in items; attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19th June 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011;
(b) Councillor A P Jones - agenda items relating to - Provision of Primary Places; Schools progress Report - non-pecuniary - Governor at Milton Hall Primary School and invited to be Governor at another school;
(c) Councillor Chalk - agenda item relating to Provision of Primary Places - non-pecuniary - Governor at Friars Primary School and Bournes Green Infant School;
(d) Councillor Kaye - agenda item relating to Provision of Primary Places - non-pecuniary - Governor at Bournes Green Infants School;
(e) Councillor Betson - agenda item relating to Provision of Primary Places - non-pecuniary - Governor at Heycroft Primary School;
(f) Councillor Dr Caunce - agenda item relating to Provision of Primary Places - non-pecuniary - Governor at Barons Court School;
(g) Councillor Woodley - agenda items relating to - Provision of Primary Places; Schools Progress Report - non-pecuniary - Governor at Thorpe Greenways School;
(h) Councillor Assenheim - agenda item relating to Provision of Primary Places - non-pecuniary - Governor at Shoebury High School;
(i) Councillor Assenheim - agenda item relating to Delaware & Priory - non-pecuniary - Board member South Essex Homes;
(j) Councillor Betson - agenda item relating to Delaware & Priory - non-pecuniary - Board member South Essex Homes;
(k) Councillor Norman - agenda item relating to Delaware & Priory - non-pecuniary - Board member South Essex Homes;
(l) Councillor Walker - agenda item relating to Delaware & Priory - non-pecuniary - Board member South Essex Homes;
(m) Councillor A J Jones - agenda item relating to Southend Skills Strategy - pecuniary (withdrew);
(n) Councillor Carr - agenda item relating to Southend Skills Strategy - non-pecuniary - South Essex College mentioned and on Board of Corporation;
(o) Councillor Kaye - agenda item relating to Chairman's update - non-pecuniary - Mental Health Act Manager SEPT, Chairman for Hearings; observer on Health & Wellbeing Board;
(p) Mr Rickett - agenda item relating to Schools Progress Report - non-pecuniary - Governor at school in Borough mentioned in report.
538 Questions from Members of the Public.
Councillor Salter, the Executive Councillor for Adult Social Care, Health & Housing, responded to written questions received from 6 members of the public, about Priory House and Delaware House.
539 Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 2nd September, 2013

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 2nd September, 2013 be confirmed and signed.
540 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 8th October, 2013

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 8th October, 2013 be confirmed and signed.
541 Provision of Primary Places

1. That the recommendations in section 6 of the report be endorsed in order to address immediate issues.
2. That the proposal of the Executive Councillor for Children & Learning to set up a School Places Working Party, to review primary and secondary places across the Borough, taking into account all relevant factors, be supported in order to address the issue in the medium to longer term.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor: Courtenay
542 Southend on Sea Vulnerable Adults Board Annual Report 2012/13

1. That the draft report be noted and endorsed for submission to Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 7th January 2014.
2. To note the work being undertaken by all local agencies to safeguard the most vulnerable citizens.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Salter.
543 Monthly Performance Report

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item.
544 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Future of Youth Service

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That in developing future services provision, youth services are focused on those young people and areas that need them the most.

2. That the proposed redesign of youth provision should neither result in the loss of any youth work staff or the number of hours provided by them, whilst retaining the ability to deploy staff flexibly as needs change.

3. That one Council-run youth centre in Shoebury be maintained, with no reduction in current Council provision and an increased level of community-led provision.

4. That capital investment on an invest-to-save basis be considered (as part of the budget-setting process) to remodel the Shoebury Youth Centre interior to both maximise the community letting potential and enhance the capability for other Council services to share the building.

5. That the current provision from Focus Youth House be ceased and re-provided by working with existing providers in alternative locations where existing Focus users reside, with the aim to extend, improve and increase their community youth work provision. In addition, work be undertaken with other community groups to develop additional voluntary sector provision, resulting in an increased overall youth provision in Central Southend.

6. That in conjunction with the Street Engagement team, outreach provision be expanded to meet the needs identified in the young people's consultation and for activity to be focused on Friday and Saturday nights.

7. That the Cluny centre be transferred to the Streets Ahead project allowing it to be supported to become a self-sufficient, community led and run centre by 2015 and to maintain current youth work provision at Cluny whilst supporting the transfer.

8. To invest more staff resources to develop community activities and provision across the whole borough, including assisting community groups to identify alternative sources of funding. In addition, a small Council start-up fund be put in place to aid the development of further community youth activities, emphasising and supporting an inclusive nature.

9. That the Council work with Active Southend to explore the possibility of developing a comprehensive website detailing activities available to young people across the borough.

10. That officers be requested to explore how developments across the town can support youth provision.

11. That the potential for the redesign to provide the Council with savings of up to £150k, be recognised."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor: Courtenay
545 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Services for People with Physical and/or Sensory Impairment

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the draft strategy be approved for formal consultation."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor: Salter
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny on 22nd October 2013 (Minute 423 refers).
546 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
The Need for a Southend Skills Strategy

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That a new borough-wide skills strategy be developed linking education provision at all levels with the business requirements of today and the future (The strategy should complement the South East Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Strategy (SELEP) and Whole Essex Community Budgets (WECB) to maximise the opportunities they present and ensure consistent messaging. It should also exploit the freedoms and flexibilities on offer through the Southend City Deal. The Strategy will include feedback and monitoring).

2. That work awareness/employment opportunity knowledge in primary schools be further developed to stimulate awareness of the local economy, the jobs available and the skills required at a younger age to help inform student choices.

3. That a network of employers be developed to deliver information about skills opportunities to primary schools in Southend, to help raise awareness of different employment opportunities available in the labour market, not just locally but also the wider area. In addition, to continue to raise the aspiration of primary school children and parents/carers of children in Southend schools.

4. That to enable secondary school students to benefit from wider careers development advice, teachers engage with work awareness/knowledge of employment opportunities in order that alternative routes into further and higher education such as employment are presented and that key future opportunities, such as the Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus, are prepared for (Regardless of the secondary school, all are able to access the opportunity to engage with employers).

5. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council continues to work with WECB and lobbies to change funding methodology.

6. That Sector Skills Councils should take a more proactive role in sharing information with providers and employers to address the gap in communication and assist with the profiling of future skills needs/areas of predicted economic growth.

7. That increased awareness be made of higher apprenticeship opportunities as an alternative route to university.

8. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council works with Essex County Council to investigate the possibility of setting up a studio school linked with London Southend Airport to increase the employment opportunities for young people in Southend and the Thames Gateway area. The studio school would not solely focus on aviation engineering but would also include the wider skills associated within the aviation sector."

2. That the following recommendation of Cabinet be noted:-

"9 That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council reintroduces the 14-19 strategic partnership group, with clear terms of reference focused on the development of a curriculum which meets the needs of local employers, growth sectors and young people. Membership of 14-19 strategic partnership group will include representatives from businesses, Sector Skills Councils, further/higher education, secondary schools, Work-Based Learning providers and Local Authority representatives."

Note:- The decisions in 1-8 above constitute an Executive Function. The decision in 9 above constitutes a Council Function.
Executive Councillors: Courtenay and Lamb
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny on 8th October 2013 (Minute 339 refers).
547 Outcome of the formal consultation and recommendations for the future of Delaware House, Priory House and Priory Day Centre

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted, with the minor amendment to Resolution (5), as set out below, underlined text:

"1. That the responses from the formal public consultation (as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report) and views of the People Scrutiny Committee, be noted.

2. That, in principle, a partnership be established with the independent sector to develop a dedicated dementia facility, preferably on the Delaware House site, or other suitable site. Delaware House will continue to run as a Council-operated facility (subject to assisting with any transfers from Priory House) until the proposed new facility is developed.

3. That, in principle (subject to collective consultation with the trade unions), Priory House be closed over the next 18 months on a phased basis to ensure residents and relatives have time to look for alternative accommodation, if needed, and supported to do so. In the event of illness, distress or other significant factors, some flexibility may be applied to this timescale.

4. That no further admissions be permitted to Priory House.

5. That if any vacancies occur in Delaware House, residents at Priory House who have severe dementia would have the opportunity to move to Delaware House.

6. That, subsequently, if any further vacancies occur in Delaware House, any other residents of Priory House be given the opportunity to move to Delaware House. All consideration where possible to be given where residents form friendships with residents around them, that these stay intact, if that is their wish.

7. That a formal review of Priory Day Centre be undertaken to ascertain the future provision for this service. A report on the outcome would be made to Cabinet during 2014.

8. That the identified on-going savings of circa £540,000 be used as part of the savings needed to balance the 2014/15 Budget. Also, that the one-off costs of transitioning Priory House to full closure be met from the Business Transformation Reserve.

9. That a collective formal consultation with all staff and unions be commenced in early 2014 as to how staff could be affected. Appropriate posts in the Talent Pool would be ring-fenced from now to give staff affected a chance to continue working for the Council where possible.

10. That the above recommendations be referred direct to the People Scrutiny Committee on 26th November 2013."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor: Salter
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny at the special meeting on 22nd October 2013 (Minute 421 refers).
548 Southend Education Trust - Item requested by Cllr Morgan, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 35.1 (d)

That the position be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Courtenay.
549 Chairman's Update

That the report and actions taken be noted.

Note:- This is a Scrutiny Function.
550 Exclusion of the Public.

That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the items of business set out below on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act, and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Part II(Confidential)
551 Schools Progress Report
  • (Attachment: 32)Report of Corporate Director for People
  • (Attachment: 33)Appendix 1
  • (Attachment: 34)Appendix 2

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Courtenay.
552 Standing Order 44.2
During consideration of agenda item on Schools Progress Report, the hour of 10pm having been reached, in accordance with Standing Order 44 the Committee agreed to continue with the remaining items of business on the agenda.
18.30 / 22.20

Attendance Details

Councillor Kaye (Chairman),
Councillor Flewitt (Vice Chairman), Councillors Assenheim*, Betson, Carr, Dr Caunce, Chalk, Crystall, Day, Grimwade, Hadley, A J Jones, A P Jones, D Norman, Robertson, Walker and Woodley

Mr Rickett, Ms Semmence, Mr Keay (co-opted members) and M Sylvester (observer)
(* substitute in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 31).
In attendance:
Councillors Courtenay and Salter (Executive Councillors)
Councillors Gilbert and Terry
J K Williams, F Abbott, S Leftley, Dr Atherton, S Hadley, J Theadom, J Lansley, J Chesterton, K Marks, C Cranfield, I Ambrose, M Singleton, D Coleman and C Compton

Scrutiny Comment

544 Called in by Councillors J McMahon and I D Gilbert.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 09:54
Supported by M Terry, R Woodley

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That in developing future services provision, youth services are focused on those young people and areas that need them the most.

2. That the proposed redesign of youth provision should neither result in the loss of any youth work staff or the number of hours provided by them, whilst retaining the ability to deploy staff flexibly as needs change.

3. That one Council-run youth centre in Shoebury be maintained, with no reduction in current Council provision and an increased level of community-led provision.

4. That capital investment on an invest-to-save basis be considered (as part of the budget-setting process) to remodel the Shoebury Youth Centre interior to both maximise the community letting potential and enhance the capability for other Council services to share the building.

5. That the current provision from Focus Youth House be ceased and re-provided by working with existing providers in alternative locations where existing Focus users reside, with the aim to extend, improve and increase their community youth work provision. In addition, work be undertaken with other community groups to develop additional voluntary sector provision, resulting in an increased overall youth provision in Central Southend.

6. That in conjunction with the Street Engagement team, outreach provision be expanded to meet the needs identified in the young people's consultation and for activity to be focused on Friday and Saturday nights.

7. That the Cluny centre be transferred to the Streets Ahead project allowing it to be supported to become a self-sufficient, community led and run centre by 2015 and to maintain current youth work provision at Cluny whilst supporting the transfer.

8. To invest more staff resources to develop community activities and provision across the whole borough, including assisting community groups to identify alternative sources of funding. In addition, a small Council start-up fund be put in place to aid the development of further community youth activities, emphasising and supporting an inclusive nature.

9. That the Council work with Active Southend to explore the possibility of developing a comprehensive website detailing activities available to young people across the borough.

10. That officers be requested to explore how developments across the town can support youth provision.

11. That the potential for the redesign to provide the Council with savings of up to £150k, be recognised."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor: Courtenay
545 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 12:04

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the draft strategy be approved for formal consultation."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor: Salter
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny on 22nd October 2013 (Minute 423 refers).
546 Called in by Councillors M Terry and R Woodley.
Final call on 14/11/2013 at 14:53

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That a new borough-wide skills strategy be developed linking education provision at all levels with the business requirements of today and the future (The strategy should complement the South East Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Strategy (SELEP) and Whole Essex Community Budgets (WECB) to maximise the opportunities they present and ensure consistent messaging. It should also exploit the freedoms and flexibilities on offer through the Southend City Deal. The Strategy will include feedback and monitoring).

2. That work awareness/employment opportunity knowledge in primary schools be further developed to stimulate awareness of the local economy, the jobs available and the skills required at a younger age to help inform student choices.

3. That a network of employers be developed to deliver information about skills opportunities to primary schools in Southend, to help raise awareness of different employment opportunities available in the labour market, not just locally but also the wider area. In addition, to continue to raise the aspiration of primary school children and parents/carers of children in Southend schools.

4. That to enable secondary school students to benefit from wider careers development advice, teachers engage with work awareness/knowledge of employment opportunities in order that alternative routes into further and higher education such as employment are presented and that key future opportunities, such as the Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus, are prepared for (Regardless of the secondary school, all are able to access the opportunity to engage with employers).

5. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council continues to work with WECB and lobbies to change funding methodology.

6. That Sector Skills Councils should take a more proactive role in sharing information with providers and employers to address the gap in communication and assist with the profiling of future skills needs/areas of predicted economic growth.

7. That increased awareness be made of higher apprenticeship opportunities as an alternative route to university.

8. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council works with Essex County Council to investigate the possibility of setting up a studio school linked with London Southend Airport to increase the employment opportunities for young people in Southend and the Thames Gateway area. The studio school would not solely focus on aviation engineering but would also include the wider skills associated within the aviation sector."

2. That the following recommendation of Cabinet be noted:-

"9 That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council reintroduces the 14-19 strategic partnership group, with clear terms of reference focused on the development of a curriculum which meets the needs of local employers, growth sectors and young people. Membership of 14-19 strategic partnership group will include representatives from businesses, Sector Skills Councils, further/higher education, secondary schools, Work-Based Learning providers and Local Authority representatives."

Note:- The decisions in 1-8 above constitute an Executive Function. The decision in 9 above constitutes a Council Function.
Executive Councillors: Courtenay and Lamb
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny on 8th October 2013 (Minute 339 refers).


541(This is a pre-Cabinet scrutiny item).

The Committee considered a report by the Corporate Director for People by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny. This outlined proposals to secure sufficient primary school places across the Borough for 2015 and beyond. It is intended to submit these proposals to Cabinet on 7th January 2014.

The Committee discussed the report in detail and there was general consensus and support for the proposed recommendations as set out in section 6 of the report in order to address immediate issues. The Executive Councillor for Children & Learning also proposed that the Council should establish a School Places Working Party at the next Council meeting to address the issues in the medium to longer term.
542(This is a pre-Cabinet scrutiny item).

The Committee considered a report by the Corporate Director for People by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny. This informed Members of the impending publication of the Annual Report of the Southend-On-Sea Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Board (SVAB). Although the Council is the lead agency, safeguarding responsibilities fall across all local agencies including Health and the Police. The Board has an independent Chair, who also chairs the Southend Local Safeguarding Children's Board.

There was general consensus and support for the direction of the strategy and content of the report.
543The Committee considered Minute 438 of Cabinet held on 5th November 2013, together with the Monthly Performance Report (MPR) covering the period to the end of September 2013, and the Exceptions Report which had been circulated on 22nd November 2013.
544The Committee considered Minute 445 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People which presented the final report of the Youth Service Working Party on the Future Direction of the Youth Service.

During the discussion, the Committee suggested the idea of possible additional income generation from other sites, such as The Forum.
545The Committee considered Minute 448 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People which presented the Services for People with a Physical Disability and/or Sensory Impairment Commissioning Strategy.
546The Committee considered Minute 452 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People which provided an update on the delivery of skills, education and training in Southend for young people and adults and proposed significant actions to further improve the development of opportunities for local residents.
547The Committee considered Minute 506 of the special Cabinet held on 19th November, 2013, which had been referred direct to the Scrutiny Committee, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People. The report included details of the outcomes and findings of the formal public consultation on the proposals for the future of Delaware House, Priory House and Priory Day Centre.

The Corporate Director for People outlined the long-term plan to improve residential care for those with dementia; quality of care in the independent sector, the effects of the proposed closure of Priory House on residents, day service and staff and the next steps in respect of Delaware House.

The Committee discussed the report in detail and asked a significant number of detailed questions which were responded to by officers and the Executive Councillor.
548In accordance with Standing Order 35.1(d), Councillor Morgan requested that this item be placed on the agenda relating to Southend Education Trust and a report by the Corporate Director for People. The Chief Executive and Town Clerk had agreed that it was appropriate to circulate the information to the Committee.
549The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for People which updated Members on some scrutiny matters, as follows:

(a) Update on request from the meeting on 22nd October 2013 (Minute 425 refers) re super pupil premium - information set out in 3.1 of the report - noted;
(b) Information on the urgent and emergency care review - set out in section 3.2 of the report and at Appendix 1 - noted; and
(c) Update on the in depth scrutiny project - 'Southend primary schools' falling grammar school entry figures' - set out in paragraph 4 of the report - noted.
551The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for People. This advised Members on measures taken to support, challenge and intervene in schools identified as causing concern and also advised Members of the impact of those measures.


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