Meeting documents

Place Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 8th July, 2013 6.30 pm

Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
116 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Evans (no substitute), A J Jones (no substitute) and D Garston (substitute: Cllr Hadley).
117 Declarations of interest.
The following Members declared interests as set out below:

a) Councillors Cox, J Garston and Jarvis (Executive Councillors) - interest in the pre-Cabinet scrutiny item / called in items / referred items - attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19th June 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011;

(b) Councillor Wexham - agenda item relating to proposed development of Lower Thames Rowing Club Boat/Club House - non-pecuniary - knows a member of the rowing club through The Endeavour Trust;

(c) Councillor Longley - agenda item relating to proposed development of Lower Thames Rowing Club Boat/Club House - non-pecuniary - friends and Lion Club members are members of the Lower Thames Rowing Club.
118 Questions from Members of the Public.
The question received from Mr Ali was answered at the meeting by the Executive Councillor for Culture and Tourism.
119 New Lower Thames Crossing

1. That the report be noted.

2. That the views of the Committee be included in the Council's formal response.

3. That the Council's response be agreed via SO46 and submitted by the consultation deadline of 16th July 2013.

Note: This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
120 Monthly Performance Report

That the submitted report be noted.

Note: This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item.
121 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Corporate Plan and Annual Report - 2013

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:

'That the Council's Corporate Plan and Annual Report 2012, as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be approved and that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to determine any final changes to the document prior to publication.'

Note: This is a Council Function
Executive Councillor: Holdcroft
122 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Community Infrastructure Levy

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That investigations proceed into the viability of taking a Southend Borough CIL forward as a means by which the Council secure payments from new development to contribute to funding infrastructure within the Borough in accordance with Option 1 in the submitted report, and in consultation with other Essex authorities.

2. That the Corporate Director for Place and Head of Planning and Transport, be authorised to proceed with the preparation of the following relevant documentation:-

• Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
• CIL Charging Schedule
• Draft Regulation 123 List (list of infrastructure projects to be funded by CIL) and revised Supplementary Planning Document
• Planning Obligations (SPD2)

3. That the provisional timetable set out in Appendix 4 of the submitted report, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: J Garston
123 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Southend-on-Sea Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 20

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That the Southend-on-Sea Statement of Community Involvement, as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be adopted.

2. That the consultation responses to the Southend-on-Sea Statement of Community Involvement as set out in Appendix 2 of the submitted report, be noted.

3. That the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Planning, be authorised to make any further amendments needed to the Southend on Sea Statement of Community Involvement.'

Note:- This is a Council Function
Executive Councillor: J Garston
124 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Future Use Central Library (Victoria Avenue)

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That in the short term, the Beecroft Art Gallery, (including temporary galleries, a shared community lecture theatre and short term exhibitions) be relocated from its current location into the Central Library building and that the cost of undertaking necessary building works, as set out in the submitted report, be approved. (The Capital cost of the work is £310,000 and the annual running costs will be £195,000 (including the cost of an additional Museums and Galleries Assistant)).

2. That the work with the Digital Exploration Centre Trust to develop a scheme to take occupation of the Central Library in the long term, be noted.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Jarvis
125 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Southend - General Market Proposal

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

'That the recommendations of the Market Task and Finish Group be supported and that the establishment of a weekly general market in Southend High Street, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Lamb.
126 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Proposed Development of Lower Thames Rowing Club Boat/Club House

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That the Lower Thames Rowing Club proposal to develop a Boat/Club House at Two Tree Island that will be funded by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and Sport England, be supported.

2. That it be approved, in principle, to lease the Boat/Club House to the Lower Thames Rowing Club for use as a Boat/Club House for period of 25 years, subject to the necessary planning permissions being obtained.

3. That the Corporate Director for Corporate Services, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Culture and Tourism, be authorised to approve the terms of the lease based on advice and assistance from Property and Regeneration and Asset Management.

4. That the above decisions would be subject to:

(a) Match funding being obtained from Sport England (If the match funding cannot be secured, then Cabinet would reconsider whether to progress with the project)
(b) The preparation of a sports development plan demonstrating how community involvement will be increased with the development of the facility
(c) The provision of improved facilities for the Pier and Foreshore services.
(d) A reasonable level of rent being achieved in the context of the revenue cost of borrowing.

5. That it be noted that a consultation process will be undertaken on the Bell Wharf Scheme during the Summer months.'

2. That in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39 the matter be referred to Full Council.

Note: This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Jarvis
127 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Environmental Enforcement Policy Review

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

'That subject to the inclusion of a reference to the enforcement against environmental crime in relation to the beaches and foreshore, the Environmental Enforcement Policy, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
128 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 18th June, 2013.
Highways and Transport Capital Programme 2013-14

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That the successful allocation of funds through various government and other sources for the financial year 2013/14, be noted.

2. That the implementation of the allocated, Integrated Transport and Highways Maintenance blocks, Council capital and Local Sustainable Transport Fund, Better Bus Area Fund and other identified allocations for 2013-2014, as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the submitted report, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
129 In depth scrutiny report - Developing strong partnership links to encourage investment in the town and the supply of employment opportunity

1. That the report and the recommendations from the in depth scrutiny project attached at Appendix 1 to the report be agreed.

2. That the Chairman of the Project Team be authorised to agree any final minor/typographical changes to the draft report that may be necessary.

3. That in accordance with Scrutiny Procedure Rule 10 (Part 4 (e) of the Constitution), the Chairman of the Project Team present the final report to a future Cabinet meeting.

Note: This is a Scrutiny Function.
130 Suggested in depth Scrutiny projects - 2013 / 14

1. That the in-depth scrutiny project for 2013/14 be 'Promoting a positive image for the town.'

2. To note that the following members have been appointed to the Panel, which will manage the in depth project - Councillor Holland (Chairman), Councillor Terry (Vice-chairman), Brown, Byford, D Garston, Walker, Russell, Morgan and McMahon.

3. To note the information attached at Appendix 3 to the report, the summary of work of the 3 Scrutiny Committees during 2012 / 2013.

Note: This is a Scrutiny Function.

Attendance Details

Councillor Holland (Chairman)
Councillors Assenheim (Vice-chairman), Brown, Byford, Carr, *Hadley, Habermel, Walker, Terry, Van Looy, McMahon, Ware-Lane, Lewin, Russell and Wexham

*Substitute in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 31.
In attendance:
Councillors Cox, Jarvis and J Garston (Executive Councillors)
Councillors Borton, Crystall, Gilbert and Longley.
R Tinlin, J K Williams, A Lewis, P Geraghty, A Rogers, S Crowther, P Mathieson, T Macgregor, R Harris and F Abbott

Scrutiny Comment

121 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 25/06/2013 at 11:28

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:

'That the Council's Corporate Plan and Annual Report 2012, as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be approved and that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to determine any final changes to the document prior to publication.'

Note: This is a Council Function
Executive Councillor: Holdcroft
122 Called in by Councillors I D Gilbert and M L Borton.
Final call on 25/06/2013 at 10:56

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That investigations proceed into the viability of taking a Southend Borough CIL forward as a means by which the Council secure payments from new development to contribute to funding infrastructure within the Borough in accordance with Option 1 in the submitted report, and in consultation with other Essex authorities.

2. That the Corporate Director for Place and Head of Planning and Transport, be authorised to proceed with the preparation of the following relevant documentation:-

• Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
• CIL Charging Schedule
• Draft Regulation 123 List (list of infrastructure projects to be funded by CIL) and revised Supplementary Planning Document
• Planning Obligations (SPD2)

3. That the provisional timetable set out in Appendix 4 of the submitted report, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: J Garston
123 Called in by Councillors I D Gilbert and M L Borton.
Final call on 25/06/2013 at 10:56

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That the Southend-on-Sea Statement of Community Involvement, as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report, be adopted.

2. That the consultation responses to the Southend-on-Sea Statement of Community Involvement as set out in Appendix 2 of the submitted report, be noted.

3. That the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Planning, be authorised to make any further amendments needed to the Southend on Sea Statement of Community Involvement.'

Note:- This is a Council Function
Executive Councillor: J Garston
124 Called in by Councillors I D Gilbert and M L Borton.
Final call on 25/06/2013 at 10:57
Supported by G Longley, P Collins, M Stafford, M Assenheim, M Terry

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That in the short term, the Beecroft Art Gallery, (including temporary galleries, a shared community lecture theatre and short term exhibitions) be relocated from its current location into the Central Library building and that the cost of undertaking necessary building works, as set out in the submitted report, be approved. (The Capital cost of the work is £310,000 and the annual running costs will be £195,000 (including the cost of an additional Museums and Galleries Assistant)).

2. That the work with the Digital Exploration Centre Trust to develop a scheme to take occupation of the Central Library in the long term, be noted.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Jarvis
125 Called in by Councillors M Stafford and M Assenheim.
Final call on 28/06/2013 at 12:08
Supported by M Terry

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

'That the recommendations of the Market Task and Finish Group be supported and that the establishment of a weekly general market in Southend High Street, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Lamb.
126 Called in by Councillors I D Gilbert and M L Borton.
Final call on 25/06/2013 at 10:57
Supported by G Longley, P Collins, M Stafford, M Assenheim, M Terry

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That the Lower Thames Rowing Club proposal to develop a Boat/Club House at Two Tree Island that will be funded by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and Sport England, be supported.

2. That it be approved, in principle, to lease the Boat/Club House to the Lower Thames Rowing Club for use as a Boat/Club House for period of 25 years, subject to the necessary planning permissions being obtained.

3. That the Corporate Director for Corporate Services, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Culture and Tourism, be authorised to approve the terms of the lease based on advice and assistance from Property and Regeneration and Asset Management.

4. That the above decisions would be subject to:

(a) Match funding being obtained from Sport England (If the match funding cannot be secured, then Cabinet would reconsider whether to progress with the project)
(b) The preparation of a sports development plan demonstrating how community involvement will be increased with the development of the facility
(c) The provision of improved facilities for the Pier and Foreshore services.
(d) A reasonable level of rent being achieved in the context of the revenue cost of borrowing.

5. That it be noted that a consultation process will be undertaken on the Bell Wharf Scheme during the Summer months.'

2. That in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39 the matter be referred to Full Council.

Note: This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Jarvis
127 Called in by Councillors M Stafford and M Assenheim.
Final call on 28/06/2013 at 12:09
Supported by M Terry

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

'That subject to the inclusion of a reference to the enforcement against environmental crime in relation to the beaches and foreshore, the Environmental Enforcement Policy, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
128 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 25/06/2013 at 11:29

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

'1. That the successful allocation of funds through various government and other sources for the financial year 2013/14, be noted.

2. That the implementation of the allocated, Integrated Transport and Highways Maintenance blocks, Council capital and Local Sustainable Transport Fund, Better Bus Area Fund and other identified allocations for 2013-2014, as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the submitted report, be approved.'

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox


119The Chairman agreed that the report of the Corporate Director for Place be considered at this meeting as an urgent additional item, to enable the Committee to consider the report of the Corporate Director for Place and respond to the Department for Transport (DfT) consultation on the options for a new Lower Thames Crossing. The deadline for submission to DfT was 16th July 2013.

The Committee discussed the report in detail and commented on the options for a new Lower Thames Crossing expressing a strong preference for Option C variant (connecting the M2 with the A13 and the M25 between junctions 29 and 30 and additionally widening the A229 between the M2 and the M20). The Committee also suggested that the officers include in the response to question 5 of the consultation the points contained in Paragraph 3.1 of the report with the following additional comments:

• Consideration for a heavy rail crossing for freight;
• Consideration to extending the crossing as far to the East as possible;
• Commitment to locating infrastructure for emergency services;
120The Committee considered Minute 34 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013, together with the Monthly Performance Report (MPR) covering the period to the end of April 2013, and the Exceptions Report which had been circulated on 5th July 2013.
121The Committee considered Minute 36 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to all 3 Scrutiny Committees, together with the report of the Chief Executive & Town Clerk which presented the Council's Corporate Plan and Annual Report for 2013.

The officers agreed to circulate the amended copy of the Plan to all Members, highlighting the minor changes which have been made since the Cabinet meeting.
122The Committee considered Minute 51 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the Report of the Corporate Director for Place on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which came into force in April 2010.
123The Committee considered Minute 52 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the Report of the Corporate Director for Place concerning the Southend-on-Sea Statement of Community Involvement 2013 (SIC).
124The Committee considered Minute 53 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the Report of the Corporate Director for Place setting out the proposals for the potential short and long term use of the Central Library following the Library Service's move to its new premises in September 2013.

In response to questions the Executive Councillor for Culture and Tourism said that he would be happy to:

(a) Retain the 'Beecroft Gallery' name for future use;
(b) Retain the plaque currently located at the 'Beecroft Gallery' for future use.
125The Committee considered Minute 54 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the Report of the Corporate Director for Place on the work and recommendations of the Market Task and Finish Group.
126The Committee considered Minute 55 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the Report of the Corporate Director for Place outlining a proposal to build a Boat/Club House in partnership with Lower Thames Rowing Club (LTRC) at Two Tree Island.
127The Committee considered Minute 56 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the Report of the Corporate Director for Place on the Council's Environmental Enforcement Policy which had been revised to reflect the new Place Department's enforcement responsibilities and functions in relation to the wider public realm.
128The Committee considered Minute 58 of Cabinet held on 18th June 2013 which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the Report of the Corporate Director for Place which sought approval to the highways and transport related Capital Programme for 2013/14, funded through the Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3), Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF), Better Bus Area Fund (BBA), Council Capital and other related funding sources.
129The Committee considered a report by the Corporate Director for Corporate Services seeking formal approval to the draft report of the scrutiny project on "Developing strong partnership links to encourage investment in the town and the supply of employment opportunity".

This project had been undertaken by the former Economic & Environmental Scrutiny Committee. The Chairman of the Project Team, Councillor Gilbert attended the meeting to present the Report.
130The Committee report by the Corporate Director for Corporate Services concerning the possible in depth scrutiny projects to be undertaken by the Scrutiny Committee in 2013/14. The report also attached some information about the work carried out by the Scrutiny Committees in the 2012 / 13 Municipal Year.


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