Meeting documents

Cabinet Committee
Thursday, 7th March, 2013 6.00 pm

Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
836 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor J L Lamb (Substitute: Councillor Courtenay).
837 Declarations of interest.
The following interests were declared at the meeting:

(a) Councillor Collins - Agenda Item No. 4 (Hospital Parking Management Scheme - Representations to Proposed Amendments) - Non-pecuniary interest: Regular patron of the Mobility shop in Hobleythick Lane;

(b) Councillor J Garston - Agenda Item No. 4 (Hospital Parking Management Scheme - Representations to Proposed Amendments) - Non-pecuniary interest: One of the objectors is known to him;

(c) Councillor Grimwade - Agenda Item Non 6 (Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders - Various Areas) - Non-pecuniary interest: Relative has access to garage in Rosary Gardens;

(d) Councillor Morgan - Agenda Item No. 4 (Hospital Parking Management Scheme - Representations to Proposed Amendments) - Non-pecuniary interest: Lives in Hobleythick Lane.
838 Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 10th January, 2013

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 10th January, 2013 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed.
839 Hospital Parking Management Scheme - Representations to Proposed Amendments

1. That Proposal 1. involving the extension of the scheme into Hobleythick Lane, Henley Crescent, Chase Gardens, Midhurst Avenue and Prince Avenue (part), not be implemented.

2. That Proposal 2, amending the bays to allow shared use by either permit holders or "Pay and Display" users, not be implemented.

3. That the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment be authorised to undertake the necessary steps to implement Proposal 3, increasing the number of bays and extending the existing bays where practical as detailed on the revised appendix circulatted at the meeting summarised below:

Additional Bays
O/s 567 Southbourne Grove
O/s 272 Southbourne Grove
O/s 278 Southbourne Grove
O/s 298 Southbourne Grove
O/s 299/303 Southbourne Grove

Bay Extensions
O/s Rosary Court, Southbourne Grove
O/s 347 Westbourne Grove
O/s 221 Westbourne Grove
O/s 220/222 Westbourne Grove.

4. That the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment be requested to undertake a review of the parking restrictions in Hobleythick Lane to improve traffic flows and the passage of buses and be authorised to advertise any necessary amendments to the traffic regulation orders.

Reason for Decision
All proposals aim to improve parking availability for residents, provide greater flexibility for parking and improve usage of the parking bays.

Other Options
Implement proposals in their entirety - not considered appropriate due to level of opposition to some of the proposals.

Note: This is an Executive function
Eligible for call-in to the Economic & Environmental Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor: Cox
840 Petition Regarding Amendment to the Hospital Parking Management Scheme Operational Hours

That the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment be authorised to advertise the necessary amendments to the relevant traffic regulation orders to facilitate short term free parking in Carlton Avenue in the vicinity of the Earls Hall School.

Reason for Decision
To enable short term parking for parents of children at the school whilst retaining acceptable parking levels for residents.

Other Options
Do nothing - this may result continued parking problems in this vicinity.

Note: This is an Executive function
Eligible for call-in to the Economic & Environmental Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor: Cox
841 Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders - Various Areas

1. That the proposals for Bridgwater Drive be implemented as advertised.

2. That the proposals for the "no waiting at anytime" (double yellow line) restrictions only be implemented as advertised Rosary Gardens and the the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment be authorised to advertise no waiting at anytime restrictions opposite the junction, to provide junction, and provide notices prohibiting parking on the grass verges where appropriate.

3. That the proposals for Highfield Close be implemented as advertised and that the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment be authorised to advertise an limited waiting restriction ("single yellow line") in the turning circle.

4. That no further action be taken in respect of the proposals in Highfield Grove and Highfield Way.

5. That no further action be taken in respect of the proposals in Highfield Drive and that bollards and signage to prevent parking on the verges be erected in consultation with the Ward Councillors.

6. That the proposals for the provision of the loading bay in Westborough Road be implemented with amendments so as to reduce the hours of restriction to Mondays to Fridays only.

7. That the proposals to reduce the existing "no waiting at anytime" restrictions at the junction of Westminster Drive and Westborough Road be implemented with amendments so as to retain the existing no waiting at anytime restriction outside the property at no. 49 Westminster Drive.

8. That the recommendation of the Traffic & Parking Working Party to retain the existing waiting restrictions at junction of Silverdale Avenue with Fairfax Drive be noted but not supported and that the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment be authorised to implement the proposals at this junction as advertised.

9. That the proposals to reduce the length of the waiting restrictions at the junction of Silverdale Avenue with Westborough Road be implemented as advertised.

Reason for Decision
To improve highway safety and to reduce congestion, which were the concerns and considerations leading to the proposals.

Other Options
Do nothing - safety could be compromised and/or parking problems would still be experienced.

Note: This is an Executive function
Eligible for call-in to the Economic & Environmental Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor: Cox
6.00 p.m./10.15 p.m.

Attendance Details

Councillor T Cox (Chairman),
Councillors J I Courtenay* and J M Garston
(*Substitute in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 31)
In attendance:
Councillors R A H Brown, A M Chalk. P M Collins, M R Grimwade. R N Morgan, D A Norman, P A Wexham, R A Woodley
M Mazhar, C Hindle-Terry and T Row


839The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment that appraised Members of the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for the traffic regulation orders for proposed amendments to the Hospital Parking Management Scheme and, after having considered the recommendations of the Traffic & Parking Working Party following consideration of all the representations that had been received in writing and at the meeting, sought approval on the way forward. A revised Appendix 2 was circulated at the meeting.

In response to Members' concerns, the Group Manager Traffic and Highways Network Support undertook to write to the Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to offer assistance and guidance in developing a transport plan for the hospital.
840The Cabinet Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment that informed Members of the receipt of a petition comprising 262 signatures calling for changes to the operational hours of the Hospital Parking Management Scheme and, after having considered the views of the Traffic & Parking Working Party, sought approval on the appropriate way forward.
841The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director Enterprise, Tourism and the Environment that appraised Members of the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for the traffic regulation orders for proposed waiting restrictions at various sites within the Borough and, after having considered the recommendations of the Traffic & Parking Working Party following consideration of all the representations that had been received in writing and at the meeting, sought approval to confirm the Order as advertised, to confirm the Order with amendments so as to reduce the effect of the Order or to take no further action. A copy of the plans illustrating the proposals at each location were circulated at the meeting.


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