Meeting documents

Place Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 27th January, 2014 6.30 pm

Place Scrutiny Minutes

Monday, 25th November, 2013
Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
519 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologues for absence were received from Councillors D F Russell (Substitute: Councillor Collins) and P R Van Looy (Substitute: Councillor Woodley).
520 Declarations of interest.
The following interests were declared at the meeting:

(a) Councillors Cox, J Garston, Jarvis and Lamb (Executive Councillors) - interest in the called-in items / referred items - attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19th June 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011;

(b) Councillor Assenheim - Agenda Item No. 9 (Shoebury Common Flood Risk Management Scheme) - Non-pecuniary interest: Lives just outside the estimated flood area;

(c) Councillor Collins - Agenda Item No. 9 (Shoebury Common Flood Risk Management Scheme) - Non-pecuniary interest: Black & Veatch are clients of the company he works for;

(d) Mr N Harris - Agenda Item No. 8 (Facing the Challenge: Future of Southend Library Services 2013-2028) and Agenda Item No. Minutes of the Meeting of Cultural Advisory Working Party held on Thursday, 3rd October, 2013 - Non-pecuniary interest: Daughter is a peak relief worker in the library service;

(e) Councillor A J Jones - Agenda Item No. 8 Facing the Challenge: Future of Southend Library Services 2013-2028) and Agenda Item No. 12 (Minutes of the Meeting of Cultural Advisory Working Party held on Thursday, 3rd October, 2013) - Non-pecuniary interest: Member of Friends of Kent Elms Library;

(f) Councillor A J Jones - Agenda Item No. 13 (Action taken under Council Procedure Rule 46) - Pecuniary interest (withdrew);

(g) Councillor Terry - 9 (Shoebury Common Flood Risk Management Scheme) - Non-pecuniary interest: Member of BERA who have submitted an alternative scheme;

(h) Councillor Woodley - Agenda Item No. 9 (Shoebury Common Flood Risk Management Scheme) - Non-pecuniary interest: Chairman of BERA who have submitted an alternative scheme.
521 Questions from Members of the Public.
The questions received from Mr D Webb were answered at the meeting by the Executive Councillor for Culture & Tourism.

The question from Mr P Lovett was responded to by the Deputy Leader.
522 Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 7th October, 2013
  • Minutes

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 7th October 2013 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed.
523 Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 16th October, 2013
  • Minutes

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 16th October 2013 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed.
524 Monthly Performance Report

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive function.
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item.
525 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
The Need for a Southend Skills Strategy

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That a new borough-wide skills strategy be developed linking education provision at all levels with the business requirements of today and the future (The strategy should complement the South East Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Strategy (SELEP) and Whole Essex Community Budgets (WECB) to maximise the opportunities they present and ensure consistent messaging. It should also exploit the freedoms and flexibilities on offer through the Southend City Deal. The Strategy will include feedback and monitoring).

2. That work awareness/employment opportunity knowledge in primary schools be further developed to stimulate awareness of the local economy, the jobs available and the skills required at a younger age to help inform student choices.

3. That a network of employers be developed to deliver information about skills opportunities to primary schools in Southend, to help raise awareness of different employment opportunities available in the labour market, not just locally but also the wider area. In addition, to continue to raise the aspiration of primary school children and parents/carers of children in Southend schools.

4. That to enable secondary school students to benefit from wider careers development advice, teachers engage with work awareness/knowledge of employment opportunities in order that alternative routes into further and higher education such as employment are presented and that key future opportunities, such as the Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus, are prepared for (Regardless of the secondary school, all are able to access the opportunity to engage with employers).

5. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council continues to work with WECB and lobbies to change funding methodology.

6. That Sector Skills Councils should take a more proactive role in sharing information with providers and employers to address the gap in communication and assist with the profiling of future skills needs/areas of predicted economic growth.

7. That increased awareness be made of higher apprenticeship opportunities as an alternative route to university.

8. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council works with Essex County Council to investigate the possibility of setting up a studio school linked with London Southend Airport to increase the employment opportunities for young people in Southend and the Thames Gateway area. The studio school would not solely focus on aviation engineering but would also include the wider skills associated within the aviation sector."

2. That the following recommendation of Cabinet be noted:

"9 That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council reintroduces the 14-19 strategic partnership group, with clear terms of reference focused on the development of a curriculum which meets the needs of local employers, growth sectors and young people. Membership of 14-19 strategic partnership group will include representatives from businesses, Sector Skills Councils, further/higher education, secondary schools, Work-Based Learning providers and Local Authority representatives."

Note:- The decisions in 1-8 above constitute an Executive Function. The decision in 9 above constitutes a Council Function.

Executive Councillors: Courtenay and Lamb
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 324 refers).
526 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Facing the Challenge: Future of Southend Library Services 2013-2028

1. That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the objective of the Cultural Advisory Working Party to maintain a branch network, be noted.

2. That the following draft vision for the Library Service 2013-2028 be adopted:

"Southend Libraries will continue to serve the local community through recreation, entertainment, education and information; responsive to local needs and adapting to the use of new technologies.

The vision will be delivered through the achievement of key objectives:

-Delivery of the national universal offer
-Being recognised regionally / nationally as a leading provider of library services within the Eastern Region
-Establishing a framework in which community libraries can operate
-Providing non judgemental, welcoming open access to all
-Provision of spaces for people and community groups
-Provision of shared policies and values across each library setting within the Borough".

3. That the Draft Library Development Strategy 2013-2028, be approved and the original proposal for the future delivery of the Library Service for the next fifteen years, be fully adopted.

4. That a new hub library be created on a single site along Delaware Road, Shoeburyness as a replacement for the Thorpedene and Friars libraries.

5. That a pragmatic approach to the delivery of the branch network be adopted and that a 'one-size fits all' may not deliver the best solution for the locality or library service, be recognised.

6. That both the Kent Elms and Leigh libraries will become hub locations and share the paid staff resources allocated for a single hub library for the west of the borough. The Council will work with the community to provide volunteer support to sustain the service.

7. That the Council is committed to the retention of the Leigh library in its current location for the foreseeable future.

8. That a transitional one-off revenue expenditure of £40,000 in order to assist the library service in moving to a different operating model, be approved.

9. That one-off capital funding of approximately £50,000 for the installation of Wi-Fi across the entire Southend Libraries Branch Network, be approved.

10. That capital funding for the selection and relocation of the library hub in Delaware Road, be considered as part of the 2014/15 budget setting process.

11. That a review of the delivery of the Library Development Strategy be undertaken within a period of 12 months."

2. That, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39.2, the matter be referred to Council.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Jarvis
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny.
527 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Shoebury Common Flood Risk Management Scheme

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the results of the public consultation undertaken during April and May 2013, be noted.

2. That the alternative proposals submitted by the Friends of Shoebury Common and the Burges Estate Residents Association and the technical assessments of them undertaken by the Council's specialist advisers, be noted.

3. That the continued development of the Council's "preferred option" - option 1, be approved."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Lamb
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 379 refers).
528 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Southend Foreshore Fisheries

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the extensive monitoring and enforcement operations in respect of oyster collection from the foreshore, be noted.

2. That additional funding of £30,000 per annum to support further monitoring and enforcement, be considered as part of the budget setting process.

3. That the proposal to support the local fishing industry in establishing a Fishing Local Action Group (FLAG) in Southend and for FLAG to take forward the proposal to establish a mussel fishery, be approved."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox, Jarvis and Lamb
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 327 refers).
529 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Review of Victoria Gateway Scheme

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That recommendations (a) to (h) set out in the submitted report be approved and design work be further progressed to support their implementation.

2. That the implementation of the Victoria Gateway Enhancement works be funded from the Priority Works Budget in the approved Capital Programme.

3. That the issues in section 4 of the submitted report be noted and further investigated to determine the implications and priorities.

4. That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Public Protection, Waste and Transport to agree the details of the recommendations referred to in 1 above."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 325 refers).
530 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Minutes of the Meeting of Cultural Advisory Working Party held on Thursday, 3rd October, 2013
  • Minutes

1. That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the Minutes of the Cultural Advisory Working Party held on Thursday 3rd October 2013, be noted."

2. That, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39.2, the matter be referred to Council.
531 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Action taken under Council Procedure Rule 46

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the submitted report be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
532 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Notice of Motion - Fire Sprinkler Systems

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the Notice of Motion be adopted subject to the addition of the words 'unless there is good reason to the contrary' at the end of the motion."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: J Garston
533 Item called in from Cabinet Committee minutes of Thursday, 31st October, 2013.
Petition Regarding Pedestrian Crossing Facilities - Kent Elms Junction

That the following decision of Cabinet Committee be noted:

"1. That the petition be noted.

2. That consideration be given to the provision of improved pedestrian facilities as part of the Kent Elms Junction improvement proposals."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
534 Refuse Collection - Item requested by Councillor Assenheim in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 35.1(d)

That the matter be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting of the Waste Management Working Party for consideration.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Cox
535 In-depth Scrutiny Project

That the project plan be agreed.

Note:- This is a Scrutiny Function
6.30 p.m./9.50 p.m.

Attendance Details

Councillor A E Holland (Chairman),
Councillors M Assenheim (Vice-Chairman), R A H Brown, T K Byford, S J Carr, P M Collins*, M F Evans, D A Garston, S J Habermel, A J Jones, G Lewin, J McMahon, M W Terry, C W Walker, J G S Ware-Lane, P A Wexham, R A Woodley*
(*Substitute in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 31)
In attendance:
Councillors T Cox, J M Garston, D J Jarvis, J L Lamb (Executive Councillors)
Councillors A M Chalk and G E Longley
A Lewis, J K Williams, N Harris, P Geraghty, R Atkins, C Robinson, E Cooney, S Crowther, T Row, S Fox

Scrutiny Comment

525 Called in by Councillors M Terry and R Woodley.
Final call on 14/11/2013 at 14:53

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That a new borough-wide skills strategy be developed linking education provision at all levels with the business requirements of today and the future (The strategy should complement the South East Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Strategy (SELEP) and Whole Essex Community Budgets (WECB) to maximise the opportunities they present and ensure consistent messaging. It should also exploit the freedoms and flexibilities on offer through the Southend City Deal. The Strategy will include feedback and monitoring).

2. That work awareness/employment opportunity knowledge in primary schools be further developed to stimulate awareness of the local economy, the jobs available and the skills required at a younger age to help inform student choices.

3. That a network of employers be developed to deliver information about skills opportunities to primary schools in Southend, to help raise awareness of different employment opportunities available in the labour market, not just locally but also the wider area. In addition, to continue to raise the aspiration of primary school children and parents/carers of children in Southend schools.

4. That to enable secondary school students to benefit from wider careers development advice, teachers engage with work awareness/knowledge of employment opportunities in order that alternative routes into further and higher education such as employment are presented and that key future opportunities, such as the Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus, are prepared for (Regardless of the secondary school, all are able to access the opportunity to engage with employers).

5. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council continues to work with WECB and lobbies to change funding methodology.

6. That Sector Skills Councils should take a more proactive role in sharing information with providers and employers to address the gap in communication and assist with the profiling of future skills needs/areas of predicted economic growth.

7. That increased awareness be made of higher apprenticeship opportunities as an alternative route to university.

8. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council works with Essex County Council to investigate the possibility of setting up a studio school linked with London Southend Airport to increase the employment opportunities for young people in Southend and the Thames Gateway area. The studio school would not solely focus on aviation engineering but would also include the wider skills associated within the aviation sector."

2. That the following recommendation of Cabinet be noted:

"9 That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council reintroduces the 14-19 strategic partnership group, with clear terms of reference focused on the development of a curriculum which meets the needs of local employers, growth sectors and young people. Membership of 14-19 strategic partnership group will include representatives from businesses, Sector Skills Councils, further/higher education, secondary schools, Work-Based Learning providers and Local Authority representatives."

Note:- The decisions in 1-8 above constitute an Executive Function. The decision in 9 above constitutes a Council Function.

Executive Councillors: Courtenay and Lamb
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 324 refers).
526 Called in by Councillors J McMahon and I D Gilbert.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 09:55
Supported by G Longley, P Collins, M Terry, R Woodley

1. That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the objective of the Cultural Advisory Working Party to maintain a branch network, be noted.

2. That the following draft vision for the Library Service 2013-2028 be adopted:

"Southend Libraries will continue to serve the local community through recreation, entertainment, education and information; responsive to local needs and adapting to the use of new technologies.

The vision will be delivered through the achievement of key objectives:

-Delivery of the national universal offer
-Being recognised regionally / nationally as a leading provider of library services within the Eastern Region
-Establishing a framework in which community libraries can operate
-Providing non judgemental, welcoming open access to all
-Provision of spaces for people and community groups
-Provision of shared policies and values across each library setting within the Borough".

3. That the Draft Library Development Strategy 2013-2028, be approved and the original proposal for the future delivery of the Library Service for the next fifteen years, be fully adopted.

4. That a new hub library be created on a single site along Delaware Road, Shoeburyness as a replacement for the Thorpedene and Friars libraries.

5. That a pragmatic approach to the delivery of the branch network be adopted and that a 'one-size fits all' may not deliver the best solution for the locality or library service, be recognised.

6. That both the Kent Elms and Leigh libraries will become hub locations and share the paid staff resources allocated for a single hub library for the west of the borough. The Council will work with the community to provide volunteer support to sustain the service.

7. That the Council is committed to the retention of the Leigh library in its current location for the foreseeable future.

8. That a transitional one-off revenue expenditure of £40,000 in order to assist the library service in moving to a different operating model, be approved.

9. That one-off capital funding of approximately £50,000 for the installation of Wi-Fi across the entire Southend Libraries Branch Network, be approved.

10. That capital funding for the selection and relocation of the library hub in Delaware Road, be considered as part of the 2014/15 budget setting process.

11. That a review of the delivery of the Library Development Strategy be undertaken within a period of 12 months."

2. That, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39.2, the matter be referred to Council.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Jarvis
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny.
527 Called in by Councillors M Terry and R Woodley.
Final call on 14/11/2013 at 14:54

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the results of the public consultation undertaken during April and May 2013, be noted.

2. That the alternative proposals submitted by the Friends of Shoebury Common and the Burges Estate Residents Association and the technical assessments of them undertaken by the Council's specialist advisers, be noted.

3. That the continued development of the Council's "preferred option" - option 1, be approved."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Lamb
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 379 refers).
528 Called in by Councillors M Terry and R Woodley.
Final call on 14/11/2013 at 14:54

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the extensive monitoring and enforcement operations in respect of oyster collection from the foreshore, be noted.

2. That additional funding of £30,000 per annum to support further monitoring and enforcement, be considered as part of the budget setting process.

3. That the proposal to support the local fishing industry in establishing a Fishing Local Action Group (FLAG) in Southend and for FLAG to take forward the proposal to establish a mussel fishery, be approved."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox, Jarvis and Lamb
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 327 refers).
529 Called in by Councillors J McMahon and I D Gilbert.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 09:56

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That recommendations (a) to (h) set out in the submitted report be approved and design work be further progressed to support their implementation.

2. That the implementation of the Victoria Gateway Enhancement works be funded from the Priority Works Budget in the approved Capital Programme.

3. That the issues in section 4 of the submitted report be noted and further investigated to determine the implications and priorities.

4. That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Public Protection, Waste and Transport to agree the details of the recommendations referred to in 1 above."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
This matter had previously been the subject of pre-Cabinet scrutiny (Minute 325 refers).
530 Called in by Councillors J McMahon and I D Gilbert.
Final call on 14/11/2013 at 10:50

1. That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the Minutes of the Cultural Advisory Working Party held on Thursday 3rd October 2013, be noted."

2. That, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39.2, the matter be referred to Council.
531 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 12:05

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the submitted report be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox
532 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 12:04

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:

"That the Notice of Motion be adopted subject to the addition of the words 'unless there is good reason to the contrary' at the end of the motion."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: J Garston
533 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 14/11/2013 at 10:49

That the following decision of Cabinet Committee be noted:

"1. That the petition be noted.

2. That consideration be given to the provision of improved pedestrian facilities as part of the Kent Elms Junction improvement proposals."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Cox


524The Committee considered Minute 438 of Cabinet, held on 5th November 2013, together with the Monthly Performance Report (MPR) covering the period to the end of September 2013, and the Exceptions Report which had been circulated on 22nd November 2013.
525The Committee considered Minute 452 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People which provided an update on the delivery of skills, education and training in Southend for young people and adults and proposed significant actions to further improve the development of opportunities for local residents.
526The Committee considered Minute 453 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for Place updating Members on the outcome of the consultation on the proposals for the future Library Service 2013-2028. This matter was discussed in conjunction with the Minutes of the meeting of the Cultural Advisory Working Party held on Thursday 3rd October 2013, which had also been called in for scrutiny.

The Committee discussed the report in detail and asked a significant number of detailed questions which were responded to by officers and the Executive Councillor for Culture and Tourism.
527The Committee considered Minute 454 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for Place informing Members of the outcome of the consultation undertaken on the proposed sea defence scheme on Shoebury Common and which sought support for the preferred option (Option 1).

The Committee also had before it two spreadsheets prepared by the Council's specialist advisers, Black & Veatch setting out additional details of the capital and life cycle costs of the Council's schemes, the Burges Estate Residents Association scheme and the Friends of Shoebury Common scheme to assist with comparison.

In accordance with the undertaking given by the Corporate Director for Place at the meeting of the Committee held on 16th October 2013, a summary of the meeting with Councillor Woodley to discuss the appraisal undertaken by Black & Veatch of the Burges Estate Residents Association proposal was circulated at the meeting.

The Committee discussed the report in detail and asked a significant number of detailed questions which were responded to by officers and the Deputy Leader.
528The Committee considered Minute 455 of Cabinet, which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for Place that provided an update on the Council's continuing role in connection with oyster collection from the foreshore. The report also sought the Committee's views on the opportunity to support the fishing industry in establishing a Fishery Local Action Group (FLAG) and the potential for a mussel fishery.
529The Committee considered Minute 457 of Cabinet, which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for Place that presented the initial findings of the independent review of Victoria Gateway, together with recommendations for further action.
530The Committee considered the Minutes of the meeting of the Cultural Advisory Working Party held on Thursday, 3rd October, 2013 which had been called-in to scrutiny. These Minutes were discussed in conjunction with Minute 453 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had also been called in to Scrutiny, and had been discussed earlier in the meeting (Minute refers).
531The Committee considered Minute 462 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to Scrutiny. This concerned the following action taken under Council Procedure Rule 46:

1.1 Council Enhancement Grant in respect of Enhancements to the Airport Link Road.

532The Committee considered Minute 463 of Cabinet concerning the following Notice of Motion which had been proposed by Councillor Wexham and seconded by Councillor Longley, which had been referred to Cabinet by Council at its meeting held on 17th October 2013:

"That this Council takes on board and makes it policy of the Council that it implements the criteria and policies of the Essex Fire Authority in recognition the devastation caused when a school burns down such as the John Ray School in Braintree. Any further Schools built in Essex & Southend should have sprinkler systems included. All consultations from planning Authorities for new or ungraded schools, Care homes, Hospitals, HMOs, Student Accommodation or residential accommodation for the elderly or vulnerable and blocks of flats will receive a recommendation to include the provision of a sprinkler system."

The matter was discussed in some detail and, in response to the concerns expressed at the Cabinet's addition of the words 'unless there is good reason to the contrary' at the end of the motion, the Executive Councillor undertook to review the situation after a period of one year.
533The Committee considered Minute 430 of Cabinet Committee held on Thursday, 31st October 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with the report of the Corporate Director for Place. This appraised Members of the receipt of a petition from Mendip and Treecot Resident's Association comprising approximately 600 signatures requesting pedestrian facilities be provided at Kent Elms Junction.
534In accordance with Standing Order 35.1(d), Councillor Assenheim requested that this item regarding the problems with the domestic refuse collection service be placed on the agenda for this meeting. The Committee discussed the matter in some detail and, in view of the concerns expressed at the meeting, the Executive Councillor for Public Protection, Waste and Transport undertook to raise the issues with representatives of Cory Environmental at the next meeting of the Waste Management Working Party.
535Further to Minute 130 of its meeting held on 8th July 2013, the Committee considered the project plan in relation to it's agreed in depth scrutiny project for 20013/14, namely "Promoting a Positive Image for Southend".


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