Meeting documents

Place Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 7th April, 2014 6.30 pm

Place Scrutiny Minutes

Monday, 27th January, 2014
Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
685 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D F Russell (Substitute: Councillor Longley).
686 Declarations of interest.
The following interests were declared at the meeting:

(a) Councillors Holdcroft, Lamb, Cox, J Garston, & Jarvis - interest in the referred/called-in items; attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19th July 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011;

(b) Councillor Holland - Agenda Item No. 10 Member's Requests List - Non-pecuniary interest (Barnstaple Close): Son lives close to this location;

(c) Councillor Cox - Agenda Item No. 11 Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders - Various Areas (St Andrews Road, Caulfield Road, Richmond Avenue and various junctions in Church Road, Shoeburyness only) - Pecuniary interest (withdrew);

(d) Councillor J Garston - Agenda Item No. 11 Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders - Various Areas (Caulfield Road) - Non-pecuniary interest: owns a property in Caulfield Road;
687 Questions from Members of the Public.
There were no questions from members of the public.
688 Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 25th November, 2013
  • Minutes

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 25th November, 2013 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed.
689 Draft Capital Programme 2014/15 to 2017/18

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the current approved Programme for 2014/15 to 2017/18 of £66.1m, as set out in appendix 1 to the submitted report, be noted.

2. That the changes to the approved Programme, as set out in appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted.

3. That the proposed new schemes and additions to the Capital Programme for the period 2014/15 to 2017/18 (and later years) totalling £60.7m, of which £52.7m is for the General Fund and £8m for the Housing Revenue Account as set out in Appendices 6 and 7 to the submitted report, be noted.

4. That it be noted that the proposed new schemes and additions, as set out in appendices 6 and 7 to the submitted report, along with other adjustments as set out in appendix 2 to the submitted report, will result in a proposed capital programme of £132.4m for the period 2014/15 to 2017/18 (and later years), as set out in appendix 8 to the submitted report.

5. That it be noted that the level of external funding supporting the total programme of £132.4m for the period 2014/15 to 2017/18 (and later years) is £35.4m.

6. That it be noted that a final exercise is being undertaken on the 2013/14 projected outturn, with the results to be included in the report to Cabinet on 13th February 2014."

Note:- This is an Executive function, save that the approval of the final budget following Cabinet on 13th February 2014 is a Council function.
Executive Councillor:- Holdcroft.
690 Draft Fees & Charges 2014/15

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"That the proposed fees and charges for each Department as set out in the submitted report and appendices, be endorsed."

Note:- This is an Executive function, save that approval of the final budget following Cabinet on 13th February 2014 is a Council function.
Executive Councillor:- Holdcroft
691 Draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2014/15

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the 2014/15 draft revenue budget and any required commencement of consultation, statutory or otherwise, be endorsed.

2. That it be noted that the draft budget has been prepared on the basis of a Council tax freeze and consequent acceptance of the Government's Council Tax freeze grant offer for 2014/15.

3. That it be noted that the 2014/15 draft revenue budget has been prepared using the provisional finance settlement and that the outcome from the final settlement will need to be factored into final budget proposals for the Cabinet and Council.

4. That the 2014/15 draft revenue budget, as approved, be referred to the Scrutiny Committees to inform Cabinet, which will then recommend the Budget and Council Tax to Council.

5. That the Schools budget position and recommendations from the Schools Forum on 15th January 2014, as set out in Appendices 14 and 14(i) to the submitted report, be noted and referred to People Scrutiny Committee before going to Cabinet and Council.

6. That the direction of travel for 2015/16 and beyond, as set out in section 15 of the submitted report, be endorsed."

Note:- This is an Executive function, save that approval of the final budget following Cabinet on the 13th February 2014 is a Council function.
Executive Councillor:- Holdcroft
692 Corporate Performance Management 2014/15

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the corporate performance measures to be monitored via the Monthly Performance Report for 2014/15, as set out in appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That the corporate priority actions to support the implementation of the Council's 2014/15 Corporate Priorities, as set out in appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved."

Note:- This is an Executive function.
Executive Councillor:- Holdcroft
693 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 7th January, 2014.
Notice of Motion - Community Pubs

That the matter be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration.

Note:- This is an Executive function.
Executive Councillor:- J Garston
*Referred to:- The Cabinet
694 Item called in from Cabinet Committee minutes of Thursday, 2nd January, 2014.
Member's Requests List

That the following decision of Cabinet Committee be noted:-

"1. That recommendations of officers in relation to the requests Ref Nos. 13/37 (Barnstaple Close and Broadclyst Close), 13/39 (Highfield Grove), 13/41 (Tyrone Road, Fermoy Road and Johnstone Road), 13/42 (St James Avenue) and 13/43 (Norwich Avenue) as set out in Appendix 1 of the report of the Corporate Director for Place be approved.

2. That Member's Request Ref No. 13/38 (Laurel Close) be retained on the list to enable consultation on a parking management scheme to be undertaken on a wider area.

3. That consideration of Member's Request Ref No. 13/40 (Heygate Avenue) be deferred until the next financial year.

4. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise any necessary traffic regulation orders as appropriate in relation to the agreed proposals above and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the orders to be sealed and the proposals implemented.

5. That the update on the outstanding requests (Ref No. 16 (Denton Avenue), 18 (Old Southend Road, Wesley Road, Stanley Road, St Leonards Road, Albert Road), 20 (Blythe Avenue), 21 (Wakering Avenue), 13/17 (Westbourne Grove, London Road to Fairfax Drive), 13/12 (Rockleigh Avenue), 20 (Blythe Avenue) and 21 (Wakering Avenue) be noted."

Note: This is an Executive function
Executive Councillor: Cox
695 Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders - Various Areas

That the following decision of Cabinet Committee be noted:-

"That the traffic regulation order(s) be confirmed as advertised, subject to the following amendments:

(i) Weare Gifford - the traffic regulation order be confirmed as advertised and the situation be monitored to ascertain if further restrictions are required and that the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise waiting restrictions on the 'T' junction;

(ii) St Andrews Road, Caulfield Road and Church Road: the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to confirm the traffic regulation order with amendments to reduce the length of waiting restrictions to a minimum length of 5 metres at any junction, where appropriate, to ensure adequate junction protection without compromising public safety.

(iii) Highlands Boulevard: the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to confirm the traffic regulation order for the restrictions on the approach side of each junction only and that the length of waiting restrictions in the side roads at each junction with Highlands Boulevard be reduced to a length of 5 metres both sides of the road, with the exception of Dundee Avenue where the full length of 12 metres should be implemented."

Note: This is an Executive function
Executive Councillor: Cox
696 Requests for New or Amended Waiting Restrictions

That the following decision of Cabinet Committee be noted:-

"1. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise any necessary traffic regulation orders as appropriate in relation to the following proposals and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the orders to be sealed and the proposals implemented:

• School Way: School Keep Clear Markings;
• Ringwood Drive and Belgrave Road: Provide waiting restrictions at and opposite the junction;
• Leigh Station: Amend existing parking/drop off arrangements and traffic flow amendments

2. That subject to there being no road safety or traffic flow concerns following investigation by highways officer, the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise any necessary traffic regulation orders in Olivia Drive to provide limited waiting area to accommodate customers of businesses on London Road and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the orders to be sealed and the proposals implemented

3. That any unresolved objections in response to the advertised proposals be referred to the Traffic & Parking Working Party for consideration and appropriate recommendation to the Cabinet Committee."

Note: This is an Executive function
Executive Councillor: Cox
697 Monthly Performance Report (MPR)

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive function.
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item.
698 Minutes of the Meeting of Chairmen's Scrutiny Forum held on Monday, 20th January, 2014
  • Minutes

That the Minutes of the meeting of Chairmen's Scrutiny Forum held on Monday, 20th January, 2014, be received and noted and the recommendations therein endorsed.

Note: This is a Scrutiny Function.
6.30 p.m./6.55 p.m.

Attendance Details

Councillor A E Holland (Chairman),
Councillor M Assenheim (Vice-Chairman), R A H Brown, T K Byford, S J Carr, D A Garston, S J Habermel, A J Jones, G Lewin, G E Longley*, M W Terry, P R Van Looy, C W Walker, J G StJ Ware-Lane, P A Wexham
(*Substitute in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 31)
In attendance:
Councillors N Holdcroft, J L Lamb, T Cox, J M Garston & D J Jarvis (Executive Councillors);
Councillors A Chalk & I D Gilbert;
R Tinlin, A Lewis, J K Williams, P Geraghty, N Harris, J Chesterton, G Rickett-Ambrose and T Row

Scrutiny Comment

693 Called in by Councillors M L Borton and I D Gilbert.
Final call on 14/01/2014 at 16:48

That the matter be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration.

Note:- This is an Executive function.
Executive Councillor:- J Garston
694 Called in by Councillors P Collins and G Longley.
Final call on 14/01/2014 at 17:31

That the following decision of Cabinet Committee be noted:-

"1. That recommendations of officers in relation to the requests Ref Nos. 13/37 (Barnstaple Close and Broadclyst Close), 13/39 (Highfield Grove), 13/41 (Tyrone Road, Fermoy Road and Johnstone Road), 13/42 (St James Avenue) and 13/43 (Norwich Avenue) as set out in Appendix 1 of the report of the Corporate Director for Place be approved.

2. That Member's Request Ref No. 13/38 (Laurel Close) be retained on the list to enable consultation on a parking management scheme to be undertaken on a wider area.

3. That consideration of Member's Request Ref No. 13/40 (Heygate Avenue) be deferred until the next financial year.

4. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise any necessary traffic regulation orders as appropriate in relation to the agreed proposals above and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the orders to be sealed and the proposals implemented.

5. That the update on the outstanding requests (Ref No. 16 (Denton Avenue), 18 (Old Southend Road, Wesley Road, Stanley Road, St Leonards Road, Albert Road), 20 (Blythe Avenue), 21 (Wakering Avenue), 13/17 (Westbourne Grove, London Road to Fairfax Drive), 13/12 (Rockleigh Avenue), 20 (Blythe Avenue) and 21 (Wakering Avenue) be noted."

Note: This is an Executive function
Executive Councillor: Cox


689The Committee considered Minute 674 of Cabinet held on 21st January 2014, which had been referred direct by Cabinet, together with the report of the Corporate Management Team setting out a draft programme of capital projects for the period 2014/15 to 2017/18.
690The Committee considered Minute 675 of Cabinet held on 21st January 2014, which had been referred direct by Cabinet, together with the report of the Corporate Management Team detailing fees and charges for services included in the budget proposals for 2014/15.
691The Committee considered Minute 676 of Cabinet held on 21st January 2014, which had been referred direct by Cabinet, together with the report of the report of the Corporate Management Team presenting the draft revenue budget for 2014/15.
692The Committee considered Minute 677 of Cabinet held on 21st January 2014, which had been referred direct by Cabinet, together with a report of the Chief Executive and Town Clerk detailing the Council's approach to performance management for 2014/15.
693The Committee considered Minute 639 of Cabinet held on 7th January 2014, which had been called in to Scrutiny, regarding the following Notice of Motion in relation to Community Pubs which had been proposed by Councillor Ware-Lane and seconded by Councillor Crystall at the meeting of Council held on 12th December 2013 (this had been referred to Cabinet in accordance with Standing Order 8.4):

"Southend-on-Sea Borough Council notes the possibility of submitting the following proposal to the Government under the Sustainable Communities Act:

That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required before community pubs are allowed to be converted to betting shops, supermarkets and pay-day loan stores or other uses, or are allowed to be demolished.

The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the Council to determine if pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and could save many valued community pubs.

The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other Councils in the region and across the country".

The Cabinet had resolved not to accept the motion as important pubs could be more effectively protected through the use of the relevant provisions of the Localism Act 2011, which allows local groups a right to identify and nominate individual pubs to be listed as an asset of community value.
694The Committee considered Minute 627 of the meeting of Cabinet Committee held on 2nd January 2014, which had been called in to Scrutiny, together with the report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the requests received from Members of the Council together with officers' recommendations relating to those requests.
695The Committee considered Minute 680 of the meeting of the Cabinet Committee held on 21st January 2014, which had been referred direct by the Cabinet Committee, together with the report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for the traffic regulation orders for proposed waiting restrictions at various sites within the Borough.
696The Committee considered Minute 681 of the meeting of the Cabinet Committee held on 21st January 2014, which had been referred direct to by the Cabinet Committee, together with the report of the Corporate Director for Place that sought Members' approval to authorise the advertisement of the amendments and/or new waiting restrictions at the locations indicated in Appendix 1 to the report, in accordance with the statutory processes and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the relevant orders to be sealed and implement the proposals.
697The Committee considered the Monthly Performance Report covering the period to the end of November 2013, together with the Exceptions Report which had been circulated on 24th January 2014.


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