Meeting documents

Cabinet Committee
Thursday, 17th September, 2015 6.00 am

Cabinet Committee Minutes

Thursday, 25th June, 2015
6.00 p.m.
Jubilee Room, Civic 1, Victoria Avenue, Southend

Attendance Details

Part I
77 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M W Terry (Substitute: Councillor Woodley).
78 Declarations of interest.
The following interests were declared at the meeting:

(a) Councillor Arscott - Agenda item no.14 (One Way Traffic Flows Southsea Avenue and Leighville Grove - Non-pecuniary interest: Acquainted with residents in Southsea Avenue;

(b) Councillor J Garston - Agenda item no. 14 (One Way Traffic Flows Southsea Avenue and Leighville Grove - Non-pecuniary interest: Brother lives in the road Leighville Grove;

(c) Councillor J Garston - Agenda item no. 10 (Western Esplanade) - Acquainted with a former Councillor who is connected with the adjacent property;

(d) Councillor Longley - Agenda item no. 9 (Members Request No. 15/05) - Non-pecuniary interest: Lives in one of the roads that may e affected by the proposals;

(e) Councillor Norman MBE - Agenda Item No. 5 (Petition Regarding Provision of a School Crossing Patrol and Enforcement Activity - Darlinghurst School) - Non-pecuniary: Wife is a governor and 2 grandchildren attend the school;

(f) Councillor Van Looy - Agenda item no. 5 (Petition: Manchester Drive) - Non-pecuniary interest - relative lives in Manchester Drive;

(g) Councillor Woodley - Agenda item no. 4 (Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders) - Non-pecuniary interest: Acquainted with public speaker.
79 Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 12th March, 2015
  • Minutes

That the Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 12th March 2015 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed.
80 Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders

That the proposed traffic regulation Orders be confirmed as advertised, subject to the exclusion of the proposed waiting restrictions in Colbert Avenue on the Church side to the junction of the park not being progressed

Reason for decision
The proposals aim to improve the operation of the existing parking controls to contribute to highway safety and to reduce congestion.

Other Option
Do nothing - highway safety could be compromised and congestion could increase.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
81 Petition: Manchester Drive

1. That the petition be noted

2. That officers comments set out in paragraph 3.4 of the report be noted and that waiting restrictions on one side of the street, timed to coincide with the peak school traffic period, be advertised.

3. That in the event of there being no objections to the proposal following statutory advertisement, the Traffic Regulation Order be confirmed.

4. That all unresolved objections be referred to the Traffic and Parking Working Party for consideration;

5. That officers contact the school with regard to providing parking information through the newsletter and inform residents of the process required to request enforcement for parking over driveways.

Reasons for Decision:
To meet the request of the petitioners and improve traffic flow for buses.

Other Options
Take no action. This is not a viable option as buses will experience delays which affected the rest of the timetable.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
82 Petition: Poets Estate

1. That the petition be noted.

2. That members of the Traffic & Parking Working Party meet outside of the scheduled meetings to consider and develop a framework for the introduction of appropriate measures as part of a wider strategic plan to reduce speed, improve road safety and address parking issues within residential areas.

3. That a report outlining proposals including the impact on resources, timescales costs etc be presented to the meeting of the Working Party scheduled to take place on 17th September 2015.

Reasons for Decision:
To develop a borough wide strategy for the reduction of perceived safety and management of the traffic network.

Other Options
Take no further action. Accident and speed data do not suggest this area is subject to risks higher than any other area. Many road safety concerns are of perceived rather than actual risk and it can be argued that a perception of hazard is likely to encourage better road user behaving by exercising appropriate care and caution.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
83 Petition: Rochester Drive Area

1. That the petition be noted.

2. That potential measures be included in the proposed designs for the A127 between the Bell and Kent Elms as part of the junction improvement projects.

Reasons for Decision
To meet the request of the petitioners and consider borough wide measures to improve the environment in residential streets.

Other Options
Other options that may be considered are to agree to the petitioners' request prior to the design of the A127 projects, however, resources and funding would need to be allocated. Considering these issues as part of the larger scheme will be beneficial and allow a holistic approach.

Members may wish to decide to take no further action however the issue of inappropriate speeds and traffic volumes is the subject to of many complaints across the borough and consideration of action to deter this is recommended.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
84 Petition: Salisbury Road

1. That the petition be noted.

2. That Officer comments set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report be noted and that officers and ward councillors work together by analysing the results of the consultation, the results of which will be reported to the Traffic & Parking Working Party and Cabinet Committee when completed for consideration as to any further action.

Reason for Decision
To meet the requirements of the Parking Scheme Policy as agreed in January 2014

Other Options
Other options that may be considered are to agree to the petitioners' request. However, as this report sets out, working in isolated areas is not beneficial and merely displaces parking elsewhere

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
85 Members' Requests

1. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise the necessary traffic regulation orders as appropriate in relation to the following proposals and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the orders to be sealed and the proposals implemented:

15/08 - Removal/reduction of various waiting restrictions in Thorpe Ward

2. That no further action be taken in respect of the following requests for the reasons stated in the report and that the request be removed from the list:

14/20 - Provision of waiting restrictions at the eastern extremity of Riviera Drive;
14/28 - overnight restrictions on commercial vehicles in Belfairs Park Drive;
14/34 - installation of pedestrian crossing at the southern end of The Fairway;
14/45 - removal of waiting restrictions 22-46 The Fairway
15/02 - proposed ban on U turns A127 Airborne Close area
15/07 - introduction of waiting restrictions in The Rodings
15/07 - Amendments to the pay and display bays in Royal Terrace to provide resident only parking in some of the bays

3. That request Ref No. 14/15 regarding the widening of the pedestrian refuge Ness Road, Shoeburyness be further investigated with Ward Councillors to identified an appropriate solution.

4. That requests Ref No. 14/23 - Provide 1 hour parking restrictions and junction protection Dale Road, Dynevor Gardens, Crescent Road and Western Road, Leigh-on-Sea with longer term request to treat all of area (Tattersall Gardens to Hadleigh Road, south of London Road, including Salisbury Road) and 14/24 - Increase existing 5m junction protection Cottesmore Gardens, Quorn Gardens and Tattersall Gardens junctions with Western Road, Leigh-on-Sea be addressed through the area wide measures being identified by the Traffic & Parking Working Party.

5. That a full feasibility study be undertaken in respect of Request Ref No. 15/01 regarding the amendment of the priority of North & Central Avenues prior to any considerations with allocation of £20,000 to complete the study and the matter be referred back to the Traffic & Parking Working Party and Cabinet Committee for consideration and identification of a suitable budget.

6. That the suggested amendments in request ref no. 15/03 to the parking bays in Eastern Avenue be undertaken as part of the current amendments to the Town Centre traffic regulation order.

7. That the concerns of speeding vehicles in Barnstaple Road and the surrounding area detailed in request ref no. 15/04 be addressed trough the Borough wide plan similar to the Environmental Room programme adopted within the Local Transport Plan, subject to appropriate funding.

8. The with reference to request ref no 15/05, the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise the necessary traffic regulation orders in Western Approaches but that the junction protection requested in Collins Way not be progressed at this stage but be considered as part of the measures being considered by the Traffic & Parking Working Party as part of the wider strategic plan to reduce speed, improve road safety and address parking issues within residential areas.

9. That the installation of a pedestrian crossing in North Shoebury Road near to Shoebury Park detailed in request ref no. 15/06 be investigated.

10. That consideration of the following requests be deferred:
14/38 - Waiting restrictions in Eastern Close;
14/44 - Introduce yellow line restrictions to improve visibility at a busy entrance/exit to a commercial parking forecourt in Grove Walk, Shoeburyness (status of highway and legalities to be clarified);

Reasons for Decision:
To provide a rationalised and consistent management and decision making process for all formal requests for highways and traffic management improvements by Ward Councillors via the Traffic and Parking Working Party & Cabinet Committee.

Other Options
Each request needs to be considered on its individual merits and their impact on public safety, traffic flows or parking and wider impact on the surrounding network. Members may consider taking no further action if they feel it is appropriate.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
86 Requests for Traffic Regulation Orders

1. That following recommendations of officers in respect of the requests as set out in Appendix 1 to the report of the Corporate Director for Place be approved and that the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise any necessary traffic regulation orders as appropriate in relation to the following proposals and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the orders to be sealed and the proposals implemented:

Riviera Drive - Provide restrictions adjacent to station entrance;
Western Esplanade - Revise bays to sun shelter to provide loading bay the hours of which should co-incide with the hours permitted in accordance with the planning permission recently granted for the adjacent premises and investigate the possibility of providing pay and display bays in this section outside of these times;
Civic Centre East Car Park - provide pay and display parking at weekends and bank holidays;
Quantock Residents Car Park - Permit holder only parking the costs of which to be met by South Essex Homes
East Street Residents Car Park - Permit holder only parking the costs of which to be met by South Essex Homes
Various Public Parks - introduction of waiting restrictions to deter non park user parking the costs of which to be met by parks budgets
Bunters Avenue cul-de-sac - parking be monitored and any necessary restrictions be introduced.

2. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise the necessary traffic regulation for the provision of junction protection where necessary at any location within the Borough, subject to the agreement of the relevant ward councillors.

Reasons for Decision
To mitigate for likelihood of traffic flows being impeded, to improve safety or increase parking availability.

Other Options
Each request needs to be considered on its individual merits and their impact on public safety, traffic flows or parking and wider impact on the surrounding network. Members may consider taking no further action if they feel it is appropriate.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
87 Colchester Road

1. That the outcome of the informal consultation as detailed in Appendix 1 be noted and that a Parking Management Scheme in the area not be progressed.

2. That, subject to the availability of time within the current work programme, officers identify and develop local improvements to highways and parking restrictions in these areas to increase the parking available for residents and local businesses and to reduce the impact of commuter parking, as appropriate.

Reasons for Decision
To mitigate for likelihood of traffic flows being impeded, to improve safety or increase parking availability.

Other Options
Proceed with the formal consultation to implement a Parking Management Scheme. This option would not meet the criteria set within the agreed policy; or, Take no further action. This option prevents the opportunity to make improvements to the existing restrictions in the area

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
88 Shoebury High Street

1. That the petition be noted.

2. That the waiting restrictions to assist with bus movements in High Street Shoebury be implemented as approved.

3. That the impact of the waiting restrictions be monitored and that consideration be given as to whether any reductions in time or length can be made to the waiting restrictions to lessen the impact while accommodating bus movements.

4. That the Corporate Director for Place be authorised to advertise any possible amendments to the waiting restrictions.

Reasons for Decision
To comply with a previous committee decision to improve traffic flow for buses

Other Options
Take no action. This option would not improve bus movements

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
89 School Way

1. That the petition be noted.

2. That officers' comments be noted and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Traffic & Parking Working Party and Cabinet Committee if monitoring of the area indicates further works may be needed.

Reasons for Decision
To mitigate for likelihood of traffic flows being impeded, to improve safety or increase parking availability.

Other Options
Implement restrictions - the effect of the recently implemented school keep clear marking may address the problem without the need for further restrictions.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
90 One Way Traffic Flows Southsea Avenue & Leighville Grove

That officers be requested to identify an appropriate trial scheme for Southsea Avenue and Leighville Grove in consultation with the Ward Councillors for consideration at a future meeting of the Traffic & Parking Working Party and Cabinet Committee.

Reasons for Decision:
The proposals aimed to improve the operation of the existing parking controls to contribute to highway safety and to reduce congestion.

Other Option
Do nothing - highway safety could be compromised and congestion could increase.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee:
Executive Councillor: Councillor Terry
6.00 p.m./8.50 p.m.

Attendance Details

Councillor D A Norman MBE (Vice-Chairman in the Chair),
Councillors G E Longley & R A Woodley
In attendance:
Councillors B Arscott, M Assenheim, S T Aylen, S Buckley, T Cox, A Crystall, J M Garston, J L Lamb, P R Van Looy
P Geraghty, Z Ali, C Hindle-Terry and T Row


80The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for proposed Traffic Regulation Orders in respect of various proposals across the Borough.

The report also sought the Cabinet Committee's approval on the way forward, after having considered the views of the Traffic & Parking Working Party the Traffic & Parking Working Party following consideration of all the representations that had been received in writing and at the meeting.
81The Cabinet Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place that informed Members of the receipt of a petition comprising 47 signatories requesting the provision of waiting restrictions to deter school peak time congestion in Manchester Drive, Leigh on Sea.
82The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised members of the receipt of a petition received from residents of the Poets Estate requesting improvements to road safety.
83The Cabinet Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place that informed Members of the receipt of a petition from residents requesting measures to deter vehicles using residential streets to avoid the A127.
84The Cabinet Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place that informed Members of the receipt of a petition comprising 48 signatures requesting the provision of waiting restrictions to deter commuter parking in Salisbury Road Leigh on Sea.
85The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the requests received from Members of the Council together with officers' recommendations relating to those requests.

Whilst the Cabinet Committee noted the recommendations of the Traffic & Parking Working Party in respect of Request ref No. 15/07 (Amendments to the pay and display bays in Royal Terrace to provide resident only parking in some of the bays), it felt that is was not appropriate to proceed with the recommendation.
86The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Place that sought Members' approval to authorise the advertisement of the amendments and/or new waiting restrictions at the locations indicated in Appendix 1 to the report, in accordance with the statutory processes and, subject to there being no objections received following statutory advertisement, to arrange for the relevant orders to be sealed and implement the proposals.
87The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the outcomes of a recent informal consultation on a possible parking management scheme in the roads bounding West Road, London Road and North Road (the Colchester Road Extension Area).
88The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the receipt of a petition from residents of High Street following the advertisement and subsequent agreement to implement a waiting restriction in High Street to assist with bus movements.
89The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the receipt of a petition relating to safety measures in School Way.
90Pursuant to Minute 698 of its meeting held on 12th March 2015, the Cabinet Committee received an oral report of the Corporate Director for Place that appraised Members of the current situation in relation to the suggested one-way traffic flows in Southsea Avenue and Leighville Grove. Having considered the views of the Traffic & Parking Working Party it was:


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