Meeting documents

Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 30th January, 2014 6.30 pm

Policy and Resources Scrutiny Minutes

Thursday, 28th November, 2013
Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
557 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Stafford (substitute Cllr Terry), Councillor Brown (substitute Cllr A J Jones) and Councillor Borton (substitute Cllr McMahon).
558 Declarations of interest.
The following interests were declared at the meeting:

(a) Councillor Salter - interest in the pre-Cabinet scrutiny/referred/called-in items; attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19th June 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011;
(b) Councillor Hadley - agenda item relating to MPR - non-pecuniary - SEAL mentioned during debate - private landlord, housing benefit;
(c) Councillor Habermel - agenda item relating to MPR - non-pecuniary - SEAL mentioned during debate - private landlord;
(d) Councillor Salter - agenda item relating to MPR - non-pecuniary - SEAL mentioned during debate - private landlord;
(e) Councillor Ayling - agenda item relating to MPR - non-pecuniary - SEAL mentioned during debate - private landlord;
(f) Councillor Ayling - agenda item relating to report of ALMO Task & Finish Group - non-pecuniary - Board member South Essex Homes;
(g) Councillor A J Jones - agenda item relating to Southend Skills Strategy - pecuniary (withdrew).
559 Questions from Members of the Public.
There were no questions from members of the public.
560 Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 10th October, 2013
  • Minutes

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 10th October, 2013 be confirmed and signed.
561 Monthly Performance Report

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item.
562 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Mid-Year Treasury Management Report-2013/14

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the Mid-Year Treasury Management Report for 2013/14, be approved.

2. That it be noted that the treasury management activities were carried out in accordance with the CIPFA (The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Sector during the period from April to September 2013.

3. That it be noted that the loan and investment portfolios were actively managed to minimise cost and maximise interest earned, whilst maintaining a low level of risk.

4. That it be noted that an average of £59m of investments were managed in-house. These earned £0.14m of interest during this six month period at an average rate of 0.48%. This is 0.12% over the average 7 day LIBID (London Interbank Bid Rate) and 0.02% under bank base rate.

5. That it be noted that an average of £24.5m of investments were managed by our external fund manager. These earned £0.083m of interest during this six month period at an average rate of 0.68%. This is 0.32% over the average 7 day LIBID and 0.18% over the bank base rate.

6. That it be noted that the level of borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) (excluding debt relating to services transferred from Essex County Council on 1st April 1998) has remained at the same level of £246.8m (Housing Revenue Account (HRA): £87.3m, General Fund: £159.5m) during the period from April to September 2013."

Note:- This is a Council Function.
Executive Councillor: Moring
563 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Future Management of Councils Housing Stock - Report of ALMO Task & Finish Group

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted, with the minor amendment to Resolution (7), as set out below, underlined text:

"1. That the Council allows the management agreement with South Essex Homes (SEH) to run until March 2016, subject to SEH meeting requirements in relation to performance savings, efficiencies and income generation.

2. That in considering the options for the future management, post 2016, of its housing stock, the Council should not exclude consideration of other forms of housing management. This should be done in the light of the Council's requirements at the time and the performance of SEH.

3. That SEH is supported and encouraged in their moves to pursue a more commercial approach, with an expectation that their business plans are reviewed regularly, with a view to significantly increasing levels of income earned.

4. That the Council and SEH continue to work actively to progress further moves to share services, and reduce areas of duplication. This should include co-location of SEH staff at the Civic Centre, while maintaining suitable access for SEH tenants and tenant representatives. Moves to share services should take into account moves by SEH and the Council to develop their commercial capacity and generate income from external sources.

5. That the assumptions built into the medium term financial strategy to reduce the management fee by £500,000 by 2016/17 are endorsed. However, further work should be undertaken to identify savings beyond this level and that this work should be built into the rent-setting process.

6. That the SEH Board looks to further streamline its governance arrangements and related costs.

7. That the SEH Board is streamlined to comprise: four councillor nominees, three independent members and three resident representatives. The councillor nominees should not receive an allowance for undertaking this role.

8. That the designated Chair of the Board is chosen from the independent representatives.

9. That recent moves to strengthen client monitoring arrangements of SEH are supported with an expectation that client officers attend SEH Board meetings and its sub-committees.

10. That any significant change in the management arrangements for the Council's housing stock are subject to extensive consultation with tenants and leaseholders and other appropriate stakeholders. Any consultation should ensure that all tenants and leaseholders are informed about proposals and that they have the ability to comment on them. This should, therefore, consist of a range of methods, including a combination of using paper, telephone and online feedback, alongside a high profile communications campaign to ensure tenants and leaseholders are aware of the proposals."

2. That the following recommendation of Cabinet be noted:-

"11. That the work of the Task and Finish Group is consolidated into the Housing Working Party with a remit to meet regularly to review progress on the review's recommendations. This will include reviewing progress on the levels of savings/efficiencies to be achieved and performance of SEH. Therefore the terms of reference of the Housing Working Party be amended accordingly (Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Constitution)."

Note:- The decisions in 1-10 above constitute an Executive Function. The decision in 11 above constitutes a Council Function.
Executive Councillor: Salter
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny.
564 The Need for a Southend Skills Strategy
The Need for a Southend Skills Strategy


1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That a new borough-wide skills strategy be developed linking education provision at all levels with the business requirements of today and the future (The strategy should complement the South East Local Enterprise Partnership Skills Strategy (SELEP) and Whole Essex Community Budgets (WECB) to maximise the opportunities they present and ensure consistent messaging. It should also exploit the freedoms and flexibilities on offer through the Southend City Deal. The Strategy will include feedback and monitoring).

2. That work awareness/employment opportunity knowledge in primary schools be further developed to stimulate awareness of the local economy, the jobs available and the skills required at a younger age to help inform student choices.

3. That a network of employers be developed to deliver information about skills opportunities to primary schools in Southend, to help raise awareness of different employment opportunities available in the labour market, not just locally but also the wider area. In addition, to continue to raise the aspiration of primary school children and parents/carers of children in Southend schools.

4. That to enable secondary school students to benefit from wider careers development advice, teachers engage with work awareness/knowledge of employment opportunities in order that alternative routes into further and higher education such as employment are presented and that key future opportunities, such as the Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus, are prepared for (Regardless of the secondary school, all are able to access the opportunity to engage with employers).

5. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council continues to work with WECB and lobbies to change funding methodology.

6. That Sector Skills Councils should take a more proactive role in sharing information with providers and employers to address the gap in communication and assist with the profiling of future skills needs/areas of predicted economic growth.

7. That increased awareness be made of higher apprenticeship opportunities as an alternative route to university.

8. That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council works with Essex County Council to investigate the possibility of setting up a studio school linked with London Southend Airport to increase the employment opportunities for young people in Southend and the Thames Gateway area. The studio school would not solely focus on aviation engineering but would also include the wider skills associated within the aviation sector."

2. That the following recommendation of Cabinet be noted:-

"9 That Southend-on-Sea Borough Council reintroduces the 14-19 strategic partnership group, with clear terms of reference focused on the development of a curriculum which meets the needs of local employers, growth sectors and young people. Membership of 14-19 strategic partnership group will include representatives from businesses, Sector Skills Councils, further/higher education, secondary schools, Work-Based Learning providers and Local Authority representatives."

Note:- The decisions in 1-8 above constitute an Executive Function. The decision in 9 above constitutes a Council Function.
Executive Councillors: Courtenay and Lamb
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny on 8th October 2013 (Minute 362 refers).
565 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 5th November, 2013.
Action taken under Council Procedure Rule 46
That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:-

"That the submitted report be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Moring
18.30 / 19.55

Attendance Details

Councillor Woodley (Chairman),
Councillor Burdett (Vice Chairman), Councillors Ayling, Byford, Collins, Evans, D Garston, Godwin, Gilbert, Habermel, Hadley, Holland, A J Jones*, Longley, McMahon*, Robertson and Terry*
(* substitute in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 31).
In attendance:
Councillor Salter (Executive Councillor)
J K Williams, F Abbott, S Holland, J Chesterton, J Lansley, D Patel and S Ford

Scrutiny Comment

562 Called in by Councillors M Terry and R Woodley.
Final call on 14/11/2013 at 14:53

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:

"1. That the Mid-Year Treasury Management Report for 2013/14, be approved.

2. That it be noted that the treasury management activities were carried out in accordance with the CIPFA (The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Sector during the period from April to September 2013.

3. That it be noted that the loan and investment portfolios were actively managed to minimise cost and maximise interest earned, whilst maintaining a low level of risk.

4. That it be noted that an average of £59m of investments were managed in-house. These earned £0.14m of interest during this six month period at an average rate of 0.48%. This is 0.12% over the average 7 day LIBID (London Interbank Bid Rate) and 0.02% under bank base rate.

5. That it be noted that an average of £24.5m of investments were managed by our external fund manager. These earned £0.083m of interest during this six month period at an average rate of 0.68%. This is 0.32% over the average 7 day LIBID and 0.18% over the bank base rate.

6. That it be noted that the level of borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) (excluding debt relating to services transferred from Essex County Council on 1st April 1998) has remained at the same level of £246.8m (Housing Revenue Account (HRA): £87.3m, General Fund: £159.5m) during the period from April to September 2013."

Note:- This is a Council Function.
Executive Councillor: Moring
563 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 12:04

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted, with the minor amendment to Resolution (7), as set out below, underlined text:

"1. That the Council allows the management agreement with South Essex Homes (SEH) to run until March 2016, subject to SEH meeting requirements in relation to performance savings, efficiencies and income generation.

2. That in considering the options for the future management, post 2016, of its housing stock, the Council should not exclude consideration of other forms of housing management. This should be done in the light of the Council's requirements at the time and the performance of SEH.

3. That SEH is supported and encouraged in their moves to pursue a more commercial approach, with an expectation that their business plans are reviewed regularly, with a view to significantly increasing levels of income earned.

4. That the Council and SEH continue to work actively to progress further moves to share services, and reduce areas of duplication. This should include co-location of SEH staff at the Civic Centre, while maintaining suitable access for SEH tenants and tenant representatives. Moves to share services should take into account moves by SEH and the Council to develop their commercial capacity and generate income from external sources.

5. That the assumptions built into the medium term financial strategy to reduce the management fee by £500,000 by 2016/17 are endorsed. However, further work should be undertaken to identify savings beyond this level and that this work should be built into the rent-setting process.

6. That the SEH Board looks to further streamline its governance arrangements and related costs.

7. That the SEH Board is streamlined to comprise: four councillor nominees, three independent members and three resident representatives. The councillor nominees should not receive an allowance for undertaking this role.

8. That the designated Chair of the Board is chosen from the independent representatives.

9. That recent moves to strengthen client monitoring arrangements of SEH are supported with an expectation that client officers attend SEH Board meetings and its sub-committees.

10. That any significant change in the management arrangements for the Council's housing stock are subject to extensive consultation with tenants and leaseholders and other appropriate stakeholders. Any consultation should ensure that all tenants and leaseholders are informed about proposals and that they have the ability to comment on them. This should, therefore, consist of a range of methods, including a combination of using paper, telephone and online feedback, alongside a high profile communications campaign to ensure tenants and leaseholders are aware of the proposals."

2. That the following recommendation of Cabinet be noted:-

"11. That the work of the Task and Finish Group is consolidated into the Housing Working Party with a remit to meet regularly to review progress on the review's recommendations. This will include reviewing progress on the levels of savings/efficiencies to be achieved and performance of SEH. Therefore the terms of reference of the Housing Working Party be amended accordingly (Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Constitution)."

Note:- The decisions in 1-10 above constitute an Executive Function. The decision in 11 above constitutes a Council Function.
Executive Councillor: Salter
This matter had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet scrutiny.
565 Called in by Councillors G Longley and P Collins.
Final call on 13/11/2013 at 12:05
That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:-

"That the submitted report be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor: Moring


561The Committee considered Minute 438 of Cabinet held on 5th November 2013, together with the Monthly Performance Report (MPR) covering the period to the end of September 2013, and the Exceptions Report which had been circulated on 22nd November 2013.

The Committee asked questions on the following performance targets:
(a) CP 8.2 - increase the number of landlords and letting agents affiliated to SEAL - in response to questions about data sharing, the Head of Legal & Democratic Services agreed to confirm the final position to Committee Members;
(b) CP 4.13 - number of statutory homeless applicants who are discharged into the private sector - in response to questions the Head of Procurement, Commissioning & Housing explained the discharge process. She agreed to re look at the RAG rating given and to provide the figure on the total number of homeless applicants;
(c) General Fund Forecast by Portfolio - in response to questions the Corporate Director for Corporate Services said she would circulate the detail to the Committee of the budget variances under the Corporate Services Portfolio for Building Management (£93k) and Property Management & Maintenance (£170k).
562The Committee considered Minute 440 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services on the treasury management activity for both quarter two and the period from April to September 2013.
563The Committee considered Minute 444 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People presenting the final report of the ALMO Task & Finish Group on the future management of the Council's housing stock.

In response to questions, the Executive Councillor for Adult Social Care, Health & Housing, confirmed:
(a) the intention that the Councillor nominees on the streamlined SEH Board should not receive an allowance (as set out in the Report on the Future Management of the Council's Housing Stock and ALMO Task & Finish Group) and agreed there should be a minor amendment to the Cabinet decision;
(b) the SEH Board will be considering the issue of incentivisation of the independent representatives.
564The Committee considered Minute 452 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People which provided an update on the delivery of skills, education and training in Southend for young people and adults and proposed significant actions to further improve the development of opportunities for local residents.
565The Committee considered Minute 462 of Cabinet held on 5th November, 2013, which had been called in to scrutiny. This concerned the following action taken under Council Procedure Rule 46:
(a) Item 2.2 - Civic Centre Refurbishment - Phase 3 (Public Wing) Layouts of ground, first and second floors;
(b) Item 2.3 - New Lease of the Café Unit at The Forum.

A number of questions were raised regarding the appointment of the Café Tenant at the Forum and the Corporate Director for Corporate Services said that she would update the Committee before Council.


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