Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Contact: S. Tautz (Principal Democratic Services Officer) 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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There were no apologies for absence from the meeting.



Declarations of Interest

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The following interests were declared at the meeting:


(a)        Councillors M Borton, D Cowan, M Dent, A Jones, K Mitchell and C Nevin - Minute 911 (Questions from Members of the Public) - Both questioners known to each councillor - Non-pecuniary interest.


(b)        Councillor T Harp - Minute 911 (Questions from Members of the Public) – One of the questioners known to the councillor - Non-pecuniary interest.


(c)        Councillor A Jones - Minute 911 (Questions from Members of the Public) - Governor of Southend Community College - Non-pecuniary interest.


(d)        Councillor L Salter - Minute 913 (COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision) - Husband is a consultant surgeon at Southend University Hospital; daughter is a consultant at Basildon Hospital; son-in-law is a general practitioner in the Borough - Non-pecuniary interests.


(e)        Councillor N Folkard - Minute 913 (COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision) - Ambassador for Fund Raising Team at Southend University Hospital; member of the Readers’ Panel for Southend University Hospital; relative employed at Broomfield Hospital - Non-pecuniary interests.


(f)         Councillor C Nevin - Minute 913 (COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision) - Employed at external NHS Trust; previous employment at Broomfield and Southend Hospitals; family members employed at Mid and South-Essex Trust hospitals and in the Trust’s Estates Department; Group Director for Pathology at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust known to the councillor through previous employment - Non-pecuniary interests.


(g)        Councillor M Borton - Minute 913 (COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision) - Daughter is a ward manager at the Mental Health Unit at Basildon Hospital - Non-pecuniary interest.


(h)        Councillor T Harp - Minute 913 (COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision) - Council’s appointed Governor to Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust - Non-pecuniary interest.


(i)          Councillor M Kelly - Minute 913 (COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision) - Employed by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust - Non-pecuniary interest.







Questions from Members of the Public pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care and the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning responded to questions presented by Ms T Cowdrey and Ms L Hyde.



Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 February 2021 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

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That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 2 February 2021 be confirmed as a correct record and signed.



COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Report of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust attached.

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The Committee received a report of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, with regard to the proposed relocation of phlebotomy services currently based around the main outpatients services at Basildon, Southend and Broomfield Hospitals to local town centre settings, as part of the response of the Trust to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Deputy Chief Executive of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust reported that prior to the pandemic, phlebotomy services at each of the hospital sites had offered walk-in services and pre-booked appointments. The Committee was advised that following the outbreak of COVID-19, the Trust had taken a proactive approach to reduce footfall in the hospital sites by around 80% of all non-acute activity and that phlebotomy services at Southend Hospital had been relocated to a temporary location at Havens Hospice to safeguard patients.


The Committee was advised that the ongoing impact of the pandemic had necessitated a review of the way in which diagnostic services were delivered by the Trust in support of social distancing requirements. The Deputy Chief Executive of the Trust reported that the relocation of phlebotomy services would also free-up space to keep patients and staff safe and give the Trust flexibility in the event of it needing to respond to any future increases in infection within hospital settings, whilst continuing to safeguard patient health and wellbeing. The Committee noted that limited phlebotomy services would remain in each of the hospitals to support urgent clinical consultations and specialist blood tests, but that all other referrals would be subject to the proposed change of service location and that the new phlebotomy units would have fully COVID-compliant arrangements in place to minimise risk.


The Deputy Chief Executive of the Trust reported that the future provision of phlebotomy services previously provided at Southend Hospital, was intended to be located in a ground floor unit at Victoria Plaza from early Summer 2021 for all urgent and routine adult blood tests, which would bring additional footfall to the area. The Committee was advised that the new phlebotomy service would be available over an increased number of days and longer opening hours, to improve access and reduce waiting times, and that appointments would be able to be booked on-line and over the telephone. The Deputy Chief Executive of the Trust reported that the new facility would have four phlebotomy chairs, although capacity would be able to be increased if required and that the new unit would also offer appropriate cubical facilities with a specialist bariatric chair and an appointment-only paediatric service. The Committee was advised that the operation of the new facility would be supported by feedback champions and surveys to inform future service planning.




(1)        That the report be noted.


(2)        That the proposed transfer of phlebotomy services from Southend Hospital to Victoria Plaza by Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, be supported.


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