Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Rob Harris
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from M Atkinson, C McCarron, J Gardner, K Ramkhelawon and Councillor Mulroney (no substitute). |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at this meeting. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board was informed that the public question was submitted to the meeting of the Board in June. However, the answer required additional information from external organisations, namely the SEE Alliance and the answer should have been provided and included on the Health and Wellbeing Board Agenda on 6th September.
The Chair read out the question and the response. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 PDF 73 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 6 September, be confirmed as a correct record. |
Southend Strategic Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report PDF 100 KB Joint report of the Executive Director (Adults and Communities) and Executive Director (Children and Public Health) Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a joint report of the Executive Director (Adults and Communities) and Executive Director (Children and Public Health) presenting the Southend Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report 2022/23.
The Board asked questions which were responded to by officers.
That the Southend Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report 2022/23, be noted. |
Slipper Swap Project Overview and presentation – SEE Alliance Director and Executive Director (Adults and Communities) (no papers) Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a powerpoint presentation from the Executive Director (Adults and Communities) presenting an overview of the SEE Alliance Falls Prevention Programme, Slipper Swap project.
The Board asked questions which were responded to by officers. The Board commended the success of the project, the significant difference it has made to people’s quality of life and the opportunities for broader partnership involvement in the future.
That the presentation on the Slipper Swap project, be noted. |
A Better Start Southend Update PDF 2 MB Joint report of the ABSS Chair and Director Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a joint report of the Independent Chair and Director, A Better Start Southend (ABSS) presenting an update on key developments since the meeting of the Board held on 6th September 2023.
The Board asked questions which were responded to by the Independent Chair.
1. That the submitted report, be noted.
2. That the distinct work relating to the below areas, be noted:
(a) Now: Continued delivery of projects. (b) Next: Preparation for contract and grant end, and legacy initiatives. (c) Beyond 2025: Discussion regarding project and service sustainability.
JSNA - Housing and Health PDF 106 KB Report from the Director of Public Health Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director (Children and Public Health) presenting the Housing and Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
The Board asked questions which were responded to by officers.
That the Housing and Health JSNA be published and added to the SmartSouthend platform. |
Health Inequalities Insights Overview and Presentation from Dr Sophia Morris, System Clinical Lead for Health Inequalities and Margaret Eni-Olotu, Public Health Consultant (no papers) Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a powerpoint presentation from Dr Sophia Morris, System Clinical Lead for Health Inequalities, presenting an overview of the MSE ICP strategic approach to health inequalities and the improvement activity across the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Partnership, with a focus on the SEE Alliance.
The Board asked questions which were responded to by officers and health colleagues.
That the health inequalities insights presentation, be noted. |
Smoking Cessation and Vaping in Southend-on-Sea PDF 172 KB Report of Director of Public Health Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director (Children and Public Health) presenting proposed plans to support a further reduction in the prevalence of smoking and vaping in Southend.
1. That the local priorities for smoking cessation and vaping, be endorsed.
2. That the Southend Smoking Cessation and Vaping Action Plan, be endorsed.
3. That a Smoking Cessation and Vaping Working Group be established, in conjunction with Regulatory Services and the Youth Council, to progress the Action Plan. |
SETDAP Minutes held 27th April 2023 PDF 148 KB Minutes attached Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the minutes of the SET Drug and Alcohol Partnership held on 27th April 2023, for information.
That the minutes of the SET Drug and Alcohol Partnership held 27th April 2023, be noted. |
Health Protection Update Report of Director of Public Health Additional documents: Minutes: There were no health protection updates to report at this meeting. |
Community Diagnostic Centre Update Verbal report from SEE Alliance Director (no papers) Additional documents: Minutes: There was no further update at this stage concerning the Community Diagnostic Centre. |
Appointment of new SEE Alliance Director Additional documents: Minutes: The Board noted that Rebecca Jarvis had been appointed as the new Director of SEE Alliance Director. |