Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: S. Tautz (Principal Democratic Services Officer)
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Kelly (no substitute) and Councillor D Nelson (Substitute: Councillor D Jarvis). |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(a) Councillors I Gilbert, P Collins, A Jones and C Mulroney (Cabinet Members) - Interest in the referred item; attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19 July 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011.
(b) Councillor M Dent - Agenda item 4 (Levelling Up Fund Applications) - Has worked with the Concrete Culture arts collective to undertake consultation on the future use of the Kursaal - Non-pecuniary interest.
(c) Councillor T Cowdrey - Agenda item 4 (Levelling Up Fund Applications) - Has attended meetings of the Concrete Culture arts collective with regard to the future use of the Kursaal - Non-pecuniary interest.
(d) Councillor C Mulroney - Agenda item 4 (Levelling Up Fund Applications) - Director of Leigh Port Partnership and former Chair of North Thames Fisheries Local Action Group - Non-pecuniary interests.
(e) Councillor P Wexham - Agenda item 4 (Levelling Up Fund Applications) - Director of Leigh Port Partnership and member of North Thames Fisheries Local Action Group - Non-pecuniary interests.
(f) Councillor A Jones - Agenda item 4 (Levelling Up Fund Applications) - Son employed by c-2-c Rail - Non-pecuniary interest.
(g) Councillor D Cowan - Agenda item 4 (Levelling Up Fund Applications) - Has lobbied for improvements to the Harp House Roundabout - Non-pecuniary interest.
Questions from Members of the Public As this is a special meeting of the Committee, questions must relate to business included in the agenda for the meeting, in accordance with Standing Order 6B. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public relating to business included in the agenda for the meeting.
Levelling Up Fund Applications PDF 823 KB Cabinet Agenda Item No. 8 refers Referred direct to the Scrutiny Committee Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director (Growth and Housing) to follow. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered Agenda Item 8 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 15 June 2021, which had been referred directly to the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee, together with a report of the Director of Regeneration and Growthsetting out the proposed approach to applications to the Government’s Levelling-Up Fund and the outcomes that would be achieved by successful bids.
The Leader of the Council undertook to provide a written response to all members before the meeting of the Council to be held on 16 June 2021, with regard to questions concerning the borrowing requirement for preliminary works for the Leigh Port element of the proposed Visitor Economy Bid and the cost of capacity procured from external specialist advisors for the development of the Highways Bid.
That the following recommendations of the Cabinet be noted:
“(1) That a bid to the Levelling-Up Fund (LUF) for highways in the first round noting the associated additional capital and revenue costs, be approved.
(2) That a bid to the LUF for the visitor economy in the first round, noting the associated additional capital and revenue costs, be noted.
(3) That a further bid for culture-led town centre regeneration be developed in the second round as a lead authority for a potential joint bid with Rochford District Council noting the need for associated additional capital and revenue costs for the Council and that Cabinet consider this bid further once the business case has been developed.
(4) That if these bids are successful, relevant legal agreements be entered into to draw down the funding.
(5) That the addition of £880,000 to the 2021/22 and 2022/23 Capital Investment Programme funded from borrowing to enable preliminary works associated with this bid to commence for the Leigh Port element of the visitor economy bid, be approved.
(6) That the required additions (including additional resources for match funding) to the Capital Investment Programme, as set out in section 7.2 of the report once the final outcome of the bids are known, be approved.
(7) That the additional revenue implications to the Council of proceeding with these schemes be noted and if the bids are successful, that these additional revenue costs be considered as part of the Annual Budget Setting process in February 2022.”
Note: This is a Council Function Cabinet Member: Councillor I Gilbert