Agenda and minutes
Venue: Unitarians Meeting House, Grange Gardens, Southend-on-Sea, SS1 2LL
Contact: Robert Harris
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors McGlone (no substitute), Counicllor Davidson (sub: Cllr Arscott), Councillor Borton (no substitute), Rev. S Tinning, Ms L Hopkinson, Mr B Werrett, Mrs Y Werrett, Ms K Mistry, Dr N Khoka, Mr M Buckley, Ms P Draycott and Ms T Green. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at this meeting. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 28th September 2016 and Matters Arising PDF 85 KB Minutes attached. Minutes: Resolved:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 28th September 2016 be confirmed as a correct record.
SACRE Membership Update Report of the SACRE Clerk to follow Minutes: The SACRE Clerk provided an update on the SACRE membership, as summarised below:
· Church of England – 3 vacancies; · Salvation Army – 1 vacancy; · Teachers’ Associations – 3 vacancies (PAT; UCU; NUT) · Ms Jo Slater has been nominated to fill the Buddhist Community vacancy; · Mr Will Hill had been nominated to fill the NAHT/Academies vacancy..
1. That Ms Jo Slater and Mr Will Hill be formerly appointed to fill the vacancies as detailed above.
2. That the Clerk continues to write to those bodies/faith groups where there remain outstanding vacancies and remind all SACRE members of the constitutional requirements around attendance at SACRE meetings. |
SACRE Annual Report 2015/16 PDF 1 MB Annual Report from SACRE Advisor attached. Minutes: The SACRE Advisor presented the SACRE Annual Report 2015/16 for its consideration and comments.
SACRE Advisors Update Report PDF 140 KB Report attached. Minutes: The SACRE received and considered the Advisors report, which provided an update on the following matters:-
· Survey Analysis; · SACRE Training; · Outcome of the Accord Inclusivity Award application; · Secondary and Primary school lead Teachers RE Networks; · Continuing Professional Development
In respect to the Accord Inclusivity Award the SACRE was informed that the application had not been successful but had received strong commendation in 5 out of the 6 judgement areas. The SACRE noted that the Accord have decided to also submit Southend’s SACRE 2017 Award application to the Independent Commission on Religious Education as an example of good practice and innovative approaches.
That the Advisors report be noted. |
Review of Locally Agreed Syllabus Verbal report (no papers) Minutes: The SACRE received a verbal report on the arrangements and process for the review of the RE Locally Agreed Syllabus and noted that:
· The Syllabus was due to expire in September 2018; · Statutory duty on SACRE to review the Syllabus and to convene a Southend Agreed Syllabus Conference; · Discussions have taken place with teachers on their views on the current Syllabus and how it was working; · There were a number of good schemes available which could be tailored to local needs; · Agreement to start the process of review was needed from SACRE;
Members were advised by the Director of Learning of the financial constraints on the local authority and the impact that the Schools National Funding Formula (NFF) will have on schools budgets with a reduction in their funding which will need to be factored into the review.
That the statutory requirement to review the Southend RE Agreed Syllabus be noted and that the Southend Agreed Syllabus Conference be set-up to undertake the review.
NASACRE Current Developments Verbal update (no papers) Minutes: The SACRE received an update on the current developments from NASACRE which are covered in the most recent NASACRE Briefing Issue 13, which covered:-
· The Big NASACRE Survey 2017; · NASACRE and AREIAC Joint Conference on 6th March 2017; · The Independent Commission on RE; · NASACRE Conference and AGM taking place on 16th May 2017 at the York Hilton in York; · Details of the Westhill Awards; · The Casey Review – a review into opportunity and integration; · The new framework for assessment in RE;
The SACRE discussed the Big NASACRE Survey 2017 and noted that the survey responses need to be submitted by 30th April 2017.
1. That the NASACRE Briefing Issue 13 be noted.
2. That the completion of the Big NASACRE Survey 2017 be delegated to the RE Advisor, Director of Learning and the SACRE Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair and the survey responses be submitted by the deadline of 30th April 2017.
Date and time of next meeting Minutes: The following meetings for the 2017/18 year were agreed:
· 21st June 2017 at 4pm to 6pm – Buddhist Centre; · 25th September 2017 at 2.30pm – Tickfield Centre; · 1st March 2018 at 2.30pm – venue to be advised; · 19th June 2018 at 4pm – venue to be advised. |