Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room 2 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Robert Harris
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Harland, Boyd and D Jones (no substitutes). Apologies also received from Mr R Werrett, Mr A Palmer, R Everitt and B Maddison. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at this meeting. |
Membership and SACRE Constitution Review Verbal report (no papers) Minutes: The SACRE was advised that there continues to be a range of vacancies in the various sectors which are proving difficult to fill and it would be timely to review the Constitution and make-up of the SACRE to ensure it is fit-for-purpose.
The SACRE discussed the vacancies and the potential barriers engaging representation and attendance at meetings, e.g. constraints for teachers to attend meetings during the day.
That a review of the SACRE Constitution and Membership be undertaken, including a review of the latest census data, with a view to providing a refreshed and revised Constitution and membership to a future meeting for consideration.
SACRE Self-Assessment Tool PDF 675 KB Paper attached Minutes: The SACRE considered the completed draft SACRE Self-Assessment Tool aimed at supporting SACREs with a focus on the areas outlined below:
1. Management of the SACRE. 2. Promoting improvement in the standards, the quality of teaching and provision in RE. 3. Evaluating the effectiveness of the locally agreed syllabus. 4. Promoting improvement in the provision and quality of collective worship. 5. Contributing to cohesion across the community and the promotion of social and racial harmony.
The SACRE discussed and commented on each of the key areas of assessment and broadly supported the proposed ratings and the evidence set out against each key area (Requires improvement, developing, established and advanced).
The SACRE suggested that a glossary of terms was provided for future meetings.
That the SACRE Self-Assessment Tool be endorsed and that it be used as the basis to evaluate its needs and priorities and areas of development for the 2023/24 academic year.
SACRE Annual Report 2022 PDF 136 KB Paper attached Minutes: The SACRE considered the Independent Advisors report presenting an overview of the work in preparation for the SACRE Annual Report for 2021-2022.
The SACRE discussed the report and commented on a number of aspects covering school leadership and quality of the arrangements within schools.
That the Independent Advisors report be noted. |
New RE Syllabus for 2024-2029 - Consultation Process PDF 85 KB Paper attached Minutes: The SACRE considered a report of the Independent Advisor presenting an overview of the consultation process for the new RE Syllabus for Southend-on-Sea for 2024 - 2029.
The SACRE noted that an Agreed Syllabus Conference would need to be convened to consider and recommend the new RE Agreed Syllabus 2024-2029.
Resolved: 1. That the statutory requirement to review the Southend RE Agreed Syllabus be noted and that a Southend Agreed Syllabus Conference be convened for 23rd January 2024 to undertake the review.
2. That the Southend Agreed Syllabus Conference be recommended, following the professional advice of the RE Advisor, to adopt the RE Today Syllabus Model A+ as its Agreed Syllabus for Southend-on-Sea for the period September 2024 to July 2029.
Date and time of future meetings Minutes: Tuesday 24th January 2024 at 2pm – Southend Agreed Syllabus Conference (which will be followed by an ordinary meeting of the SACRE). |