Issue - decisions

In-Depth Scrutiny Report - Reablement Services

15/01/2021 - In-Depth Scrutiny Report - Reablement Services

The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Legal and Democratic Services) presenting the final report of the scrutiny project – ‘The appropriate use of reablement for older people (65 and over) when discharged from hospital, to maximise the number of people at home after a period of 91 days.’




That the submitted report and recommendations arising from the in-depth scrutiny project, detailed at paragraph 4 of the report, be approved.


Other Options


To note the report but not progress any of the recommendations.


Reasons for Recommendations


To respond to the recommendations arising from the in-depth scrutiny project.


Note: This is an Executive Function

Eligible for call-in to: People Scrutiny Committee

Cabinet Member: Cllr Harp


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