Issue - decisions

Adoption of Highways Policies

30/07/2021 - Adoption of Highways Policies

The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) presenting new policies relating to Domestic Vehicle Crossovers and Highways Enforcement and new procedures for introducing Traffic Regulation Orders, in line with the outcome of a best practice review of other local authorities, and to make consequential amendments to the Council’s decision-making processes and Delegations to Officers.


During consideration of the report the Executive Councillor for Transport, Asset Management and Inward Investment proposed a minor amendment to the Vehicle Crossover Policy to remove the following sentence on page 6, ‘We will also refuse an access if the total length of existing accesses is more than 50% of the available kerbside space.’




1. That the new Domestic Vehicle Crossover Policy set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, subject to the removal of the following sentence on page 6 of the Policy, ‘‘We will also refuse an access if the total length of existing accesses is more than 50% of the available kerbside space’, be adopted.


2. That the new Highways Enforcement Policy set out in Appendix 2 to the report, be adopted.


3. That the new procedures for dealing with Traffic Regulation Orders set out in Section 6 of the report, be approved.




4. That the Council be recommended to approve:


(i)             Amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee;

(ii)            the establishment of a new panel to deal with appeals against a decision to refuse the installation of a domestic vehicular crossing; and

(iii)          the amendments to the Delegations to Officers (Part 3, Schedule 3 of the Council’s Constitution).


Reasons for decision/recommendations:


To improve the way the Council deals with Traffic Regulation Orders, Domestic Vehicle Crossovers and Highway Enforcement and protect damage to the highway and ensure the roads and pavements are safe for use.


Other options:




Note: This is an Executive Function save that the recommendations contained in 4 above constitute a Council Function

Eligible for call-in to: Place Scrutiny Committee

Cabinet Member: Cllr Woodley


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