Issue - decisions
Culture-led Regeneration and the Town Centre
18/06/2021 - Culture-led Regeneration and the Town Centre
The Cabinet considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, Executive Director (Growth and Housing) and Executive Director (Adults and Communities) setting out the planned next steps towards a reimagined and thriving town centre and the transformational role of culture led regeneration in delivering this and other outcomes across the Borough.
1. That the principles of the Culture Visions as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report to shape and inform culture-led regeneration, be adopted.
2. That the progress of outcomes contributing towards a reimagined and thriving town centre, be noted.
3. That the design plans for the LGF funded public realm external works at the Forum (Elmer Square), be approved.
4. That the development of a visual ‘masterplan lite’ for the town centre be progressed with a culture-led regeneration focus and that £125,000 be set aside to support this work to be funded from the Covid Recovery Reserve.
Reasons for decision:
1. The masterplan lite will set out an ambition and principles for growth and investment in the town centre. This provides a framework for funding bids and a tool for securing commercial investment in areas which resonate with Southend and help to deliver agreed outcomes.
2. To place the Council in a position to take advantage of new funding as it becomes available to support recovery and economic growth.
Other options:
Not to progress with the masterplan lite work and embedding of culture-led regeneration in the town centre and more widely across the Borough. This would reduce the likelihood of the benefits set out in the report being realised, a lack of focus for investment and development in the town centre and the absence of a framework for the corresponding Levelling-Up Fund bid and any subsequent funding applications.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to: Place Scrutiny Committee
Cabinet Members: Cllr Gilbert and Cllr Mulroney