Issue - decisions

Flag Report

21/03/2017 - FLAG Report

The Cabinet considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) providing an update on the establishment of the North Thames Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG).


The North Thames FLAG had been awarded £800k over 3 years (2017-2020) to deliver a range of projects against their 5 priority themes.




1.    That the North Thames Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) be supported given its potential to make a positive impact on the fisheries sector locally.

2.    That the draft Partnership Agreement, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved in principle and that authority be delegated to the Director of Regeneration and Business Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and the Economy to agree the final Partnership Agreement and sign it on behalf of the Council.

3.    That FLAG capital projects be forward funded by the Council up to a maximum of £120,000 p.a. (inc VAT) over 3 years which will be fully repaid in arrears and that authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Resources and Director of Regeneration and Business Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and the Economy to agree any financial contribution to the FLAG by the Council on a case by case basis.

4.    That the initial Leigh Port feasibility study be funded by the Council at a total cost of £65k to be funded from the Business Transformation reserve which will be reimbursed by the FLAG in arrears following MMO approval.

5.    That existing funding which is already within the Council’s budget for related projects is used as match funding and/or to lever additional investment for FLAG projects where appropriate and relevant.


Reason for Decision


The fishing industry, while representing a small proportion of Southend’s economy, is a significant contributor to the national shell fishing sector and plays an important role in the heritage, community and offer of Leigh-on-Sea. It has not benefitted from investment of this kind previously so this offers a unique opportunity to better tell the story of fisheries in Leigh while deriving the benefits outlined in paragraph 3.5 of the submitted report.


Other Options


The Council has the option to participate in the FLAG as set out in the Partnership Agreement, to seek alterations to the Partnership Agreement or to decline to support the FLAG. The latter of these options does not accord with the Council’s prosperous corporate priority or its desire to support and enable community-led economic growth. Nor does it reflect the support provided by Members and officers in securing FLAG status. Officers have considered the Partnership Agreement and believe the roles and responsibilities set out in there are reasonable and that proportionate and appropriate measures to manage the resource commitment to the FLAG can be put in place so that the partnership agreement can be signed and the FLAG formally supported by the Council.


Note:- This is an Executive Function.

Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee.

Executive Councillor :- Holland


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