Issue - decisions

Access, Parking and Transport Strategy for Southend

21/09/2018 - Access, Parking and Transport Strategy for Southend

The Cabinet considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Place) updating Members on the recently produced Borough-wide parking and access strategy and subsequent strategy.




1. That the strategy be broadened to include a range of transportation related issues and be known as the Access, Parking and Transport Strategy for Southend (APT).


2. That a new Access, Parking and Transport Working Party be established to be chaired by the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure to replace the Public Transport and Buses Working Party (including the new terms of reference, as set out at Appendix 2 to the submitted report).


3. That a complementary adjustment to the terms of reference of the Traffic and Parking Working Party (as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report) be made, which will be known as the Traffic Regulations Working Party.


4. That the implementation plan identified in the strategy be progressed as a package of pilot projects.  The new Access, Parking and Transport Working Party to receive reports, previews and updates on these pilots.


5. That consultation be undertaken on the Borough-wide Parking and Access Strategy as set out in paragraph 6.6 of the submitted report.


6.  That the Strategy be implemented and to maintain the impetus a dedicated resource is required.  This would consist of a project manager and a transport or suitably qualified highways engineer.  The funding estimated to be in the region of £125,000 to be met from the Business Transformation Reserve.


Reasons for Decision:


To address a key issue for the borough which is transport and travel and to improve resilience.  The recommendations also complement the work being undertaken on Southend 2050 and South Essex 2050 and a number of other Council strategies either recently published or currently being prepared.


Other options:


Do nothing or proceed with ad-hoc solutions as and when issues arise.  These options would lead to a reduction in the effectiveness and operation of the transport within the borough affecting its economic viability and quality of life for residents.


Note: This a Council function.

Eligible for call-in to: Place Scrutiny Committee

Cabinet Member: Cllr Moring


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