ePetition details
Save Net Park Wellbeing
This initiative dedicated to improving mental health has just won the award as winners of innovative health intervention and it seems madness to withdraw the relatively small amount needed to keep this place open each year when it has done so much good since opening in January 2016. It offers a range of activities including the use of digital and traditional art materials, creative writing, walking, mindfulness and yoga, helping over 40 people a week. The programme helps the most vulnerable people in Southend with excellent preventative outcomes, therefore offering excellent value for money.
Their closure would also see the loss of 2 jobs, 12 volunteering posts and 4 university placements. It would have a significant impact on the service users, around 290 a year who consider this a safe place and who would have no where else to access a free, specialised, well run service which has been proven to help improve their service users mental health conditions and reduced their need for GP/Crisis team referrals. This is a life line for many users and there is no where else like it around. Removing this would be a false economy as it would actually end up costing more in the health and social care budget as peoples mental health deteriorates and they have to reach out to NHS services which are already overcrowded, and could even lead to loss of life.
Started by: Mrs Evans
This ePetition ran from 29/11/2023 to 29/05/2024 and has now finished.
117 people signed this ePetition.