Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '20/02147/FULH - 9 Appledore, Shoeburyness (West Shoebury Ward)'
- Councillor Alan Dear - Non-Pecuniary - Objector is known to them
- Councillor Anne Jones - Non-Pecuniary - Objector was the agent for a candidate in the Ward at the time she stood for election
- Councillor Chris Walker - Non-Pecuniary - Objector is known to them
- Councillor David Garston - Non-Pecuniary - Objector is known to them
- Councillor Derek Jarvis - Non-Pecuniary - Objector is known to them
- Councillor Fay Evans - Non-Pecuniary - Objector is known to them
- Councillor Jennifer Beck - Non-Pecuniary - Applicant is known to her
- Councillor Nick Ward - Non-Pecuniary - Objector is known to them
- Councillor Stephen Habermel - Non-Pecuniary - Objector is known to them