Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Darwin Room - Tickfield. View directions
Contact: Rob Harris
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed new members to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from J Johnson, D Woollard, E White, R Bevan, N Kelly, S Ayub, B Williams, D Taylor and D Allen. |
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair Additional documents: Minutes: The appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair was deferred to the next meeting in December 2023.
J Ladner (current Chair) – has indicated she would like to resign from the role but of course will continue until the next Chair is appointed.
Minutes of the meeting held on 20th June 2023 and Matters arising PDF 102 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:
That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 20 June 2023, be confirmed as a correct record. |
Constitution, Membership and Vacancies Verbal report (no papers) Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Democratic Services Officer provided a verbal update on the membership and vacancies.
The Board noted that a meeting of the Sub-Group Chairs / leads and the Board’s Chair and Vice-Chair would take place on 13th October to review the Board’s Constitution / terms of reference and the future governance arrangements, with a view to bring a report to the next meeting in December 2023.
That the update covering the Constitution, membership and vacancies, be noted.
Dedicated Schools Grant 202425 budget planning and 202324 budget update PDF 150 KB Report to follow Additional documents: Minutes: Prior to consideration of the report the Senior Finance Business Partner advised that the Department for Education (DfE) announced on the 6th October 2023 4.59 pm, that they had made an error during the initial calculations of the National Funding Formula (NFF), specifically an error processing and forecasting pupil numbers into 2024/25 which meant that the overall allocation of the core schools budget for 2024/25 now needs to be revised. And effectively, what this therefore means, that in one part of the formulae, that instead of the original intended 2.4% uplift per pupilfor those schools on the minimum amounts per pupil, it was now revised to a 1.4% uplift.
The Board noted that a revised report on the DSG would be circulated following the meeting. The Board expressed its disappointment regarding the DfE error and emphasised that this would have significant implications for all schools in the City.
The Board also asked that a further note for information to be shared to Board Members on the of the newly defined DfE guidance for a Falling Rolls fund.
That the revised report and the remaining valid considerations of this paper at this stage of planning the DSG for 2024/25, be noted.
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(a) Resources S.Group
(b) Performance S. Group
(c) Vulnerable Learners S. Group
Sub-Group minutes to follow Additional documents: Minutes: The Board noted that the Performance SG and the Vulnerable Learners Sub Group had not met since the last meeting of the Board. Reference was made to Minute 13 above in terms of the review of the Schools Forum Constitution and governance arrangements.
The minutes of the Resources Sub Group held on 3rd October 2023 were noted. |
Any other business Additional documents: Minutes: There was no other business conducted at this meeting. |
Date and time of future meetings Additional documents: Minutes: The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 12th December 2023 at 8.45am. |